knapcio / react-leaflet-pixi-overlay

A react wrapper for the awesome Pixi Overlay:
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Can i add a geojson in my map? #30

Open joaoVictorBAlves opened 1 year ago

joaoVictorBAlves commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm João Victor, and I'm trying to use this lib to add geojsons to my map, but I'm not succeeding. In the documentation, there is no specifying how to do it. Could you help me?

knapcio commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm not sure if I understand the question. Can you please describe what "geojsons" are and how we could possibly use them in the library?

joaoVictorBAlves commented 1 year ago

Hi @knapcio, Geojson is a file that we submit to draw something on top of the map. it is a json file that contains the drawings of states, cities, neighborhoods and so on. And in it we can add data about that region.

Something like that: Captura de Tela (79) here i submit a deojson in rendering a draw under the map. The drawing specifies the regions.

I am trying do this with leaflet and using leaflet.PIXI.Overlay but i dont known how do that! The documentation cites "No limitations to polylines, circles or geoJSON. Draw whatever you want with Pixi.js" but i didnt find a way for that!

joaoVictorBAlves commented 1 year ago

I believe that your implementation only allows you to implement the markers, but it would be nice to implement adding geojsons to make choropleth maps!