stream.go:304: E 14:00:53.445 autoscaler-keda-7f96b594c8-m6hnt [] [serving-tests/revision-timeout-exceeds-timeout-seconds-nvbdfuht-00001] Reconcile error err=failed to create ScaledObject: admission webhook "" denied the request: Deployment.apps "revision-timeout-exceeds-timeout-seconds-nvbdfuht-00001-deployment" not found
Serving may create a deployment with a truncated name to make it a K8s valid resource. This is based on the revision name. For example:
This leads to an error:
stream.go:304: E 14:00:53.445 autoscaler-keda-7f96b594c8-m6hnt [] [serving-tests/revision-timeout-exceeds-timeout-seconds-nvbdfuht-00001] Reconcile error err=failed to create ScaledObject: admission webhook "" denied the request: Deployment.apps "revision-timeout-exceeds-timeout-seconds-nvbdfuht-00001-deployment" not found