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PROCESS CHANGE: Merge Client and Functions WG together #1554

Open dsimansk opened 2 months ago

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

Things to include with your process proposal (delete this text):

Both Client WG and Functions WG represent a portion of Knative CLI. They are designed with different use cases in mind, but under the hood it's a terminal API.

Currently, there's no high demand or interest in Client WG from both users and contributors POV.

We have had a conversion wrt/ this proposal during previous TOC reviews, and as a part of community health discussion.

Less WG calls, in addition joint WG update.

Week to sync WG calls and make announcements on channels, mailing list etc.


Finally, I'd like to ask you all to vote for the name of this joint WG. @rhuss mentioned it would be great to keep Functions on top level rather than wrapping it under e.g. CLI WG. Please use thumb up on the comments below. Feel free to propose any suggestion that might be interesting.

New WG name proposals:

/cc @lkingland @rhuss /cc @knative/technical-oversight-committee /cc @knative/steering-committee

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

Functions & Client Working Group

Vote with thump up for this proposed name

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

Functions & CLI Working Group

Update: A plural form of CLIs might be a better options

Functions & CLI Working Group Explained here:

Vote with thump up for this proposed name

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

CLI Working Group

Vote with thump up for this proposed name

cardil commented 2 months ago

I think the name should be short and self-explanatory. Keeping "Functions" in WG name serves just historical purposes. New contributors would already understand they should look for Func work under CLI.

This isn't synonymous with the marketing aspect. We should keep the Func as one of the pillars of Knative, in prominent place on the website, docs, and our presentations. Those two are completely separate things to me.

dprotaso commented 2 months ago

+1 from me

lkingland commented 2 months ago

Looking forward to how this will help align our upcoming UX improvements!

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

A quick update after chatting with @lkingland on Functions WG call. The CLI will be spelled in plural form CLIs to create a future-proof umbrella for additional extensions.

Functions & CLIs Working Group

dsimansk commented 2 months ago

I think the name should be short and self-explanatory. Keeping "Functions" in WG name serves just historical purposes. New contributors would already understand they should look for Func work under CLI.

This isn't synonymous with the marketing aspect. We should keep the Func as one of the pillars of Knative, in prominent place on the website, docs, and our presentations. Those two are completely separate things to me.

Indeed, it's a governance implementation detail.

Roland's idea was aiming to keep "Functions" very prominent from all different angles. E.g. whenever you would go through community calendar looking at different WG calls/meetings - directly spotting "Functions... WG" rather than "CLI WG".

psschwei commented 2 months ago

+1 for merging, no opinion on name

davidhadas commented 2 months ago

+1 No strong opinion regarding the name - I am fine with a short one (e.g. CLI WG) and having the WG description stating it also handles Functions.

rhuss commented 2 months ago

The reason why I think that having "Functions" in the name of the Working group is to match our structure that considers the three pillars "Serving", "Eventing" and "Functions". This should be reflected in the organisational structure, too. See also the TOC of our docs:

Here we might have still the issue that we refer to the Knative client as "Knative CLI". This documentation than also would need to be restructured, too.
nainaz commented 2 months ago

I am of the same mind as @rhuss that we should keep functions in the name ( for all the reasons listed above). People would come looking for Functions more than the CLIs . CLI is integral part of many projects. having just CLI in the name doesn't serve much purpose. Functions and CLIs is good for me. IF we have to drop then it shouldn't be Functions.

salaboy commented 2 months ago

I agree with @rhuss Functions has become a fundamental part of the project.

aliok commented 1 month ago

+1 on merging from me.

I also like the name Functions better.

aliok commented 1 month ago

Can we have a +1 from leads of Client WG and Functions WG , TOC members and SC, if we want to go with this idea:

Summer is approaching, and we probably won't be able to vote this in a SC/TOC meeting (low meeting participation in summer).

aliok commented 1 month ago

cc @knative/steering-committee @knative/technical-oversight-committee @knative/client-wg-leads @knative/functions-wg-leads

aliok commented 1 month ago

+1 on "Merge Client WG and Functions WG under "Functions & CLIs Working Group"

rhuss commented 1 month ago

+1 for merging both WG, "Function & CLI Working Group" sound good to me (I would avoid the plural-s)

dprotaso commented 1 month ago

+1 on merging

nainaz commented 1 month ago

+1 for merging both WG. Name proposal: Function & CLI Working Group

evankanderson commented 4 weeks ago

I support a merge, but I think this is the TOC's call. (It could be done async)

psschwei commented 4 weeks ago

I think we have TOC agreement on a merge, just need a final decision on the name.

"Function & CLI Working Group" seems the popular choice, which works for me. Just need a consensus on "CLI" vs. "CLIs"...

dprotaso commented 4 weeks ago

"Function & Client Working Group" might cover the basis that there could be many CLIs ?

I don't mind what we go with.

psschwei commented 4 weeks ago

Same here, I'm ok with whatever the WG decides

nrrso commented 3 weeks ago

+1 for merging both WG.

Preferred Name: Function & CLI Working Group