knative / eventing

Event-driven application platform for Kubernetes
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Expression language for Trigger filter #3359

Closed slinkydeveloper closed 3 years ago

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

Problem Now the Trigger filtering abilities are poor, because they require direct match on specific CloudEvent attributes.

Persona: User

Exit Criteria Trigger APIs should have a more powerful filtering abilities

Time Estimate (optional): 2

Additional context (optional) Together with @grantr we discussed the possibility to add an expression language to express the matching predicate. We need to find an expression language with implementations in different programming languages and that covers the basic string operations.

An example trigger could be:

kind: Trigger
  name: my-service-trigger
  broker: default
    predicate: my-extension-value == || type ==
      kind: Service
      name: my-service
matzew commented 4 years ago

I'd highly appreciate this for our v1 API shape

FWiesner commented 4 years ago

❤️ this

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

I'm starting to lean towards using Javascript. I know it may sound crazy, but:

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

Another alternative could be using Json Schema, but I feel this could make the predicates too much convoluted both to read and write:

   - properties:
         const: aaa
   - properties:
         const: bbb
nachocano commented 4 years ago

@grantr put some thought on this sometime back. Might be worth syncing with him. IIRC he used CEL, but there were some problems regarding scalability.

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

I checked out CEL, problem is that the only implementation out there is for Golang. I wish to avoid locking the "implementatibility" of Eventing APIs (in particular of the data-plane) to Golang only.

FWiesner commented 4 years ago

@slinkydeveloper The problem with the JavaScript filter engine is that you will have a hard time validating the content. Not only you need syntactical validation, but functional checks as well. Worst would be that a filter JS expression shows to be wrong in seldom situations that haven't been tested and where you're live in production already

vaikas commented 4 years ago

I'm totally on board with making the filter expressions more powerful. My $.02 is that this can be an additive (backwards compatible) change to the API and we do not have to get it in .16 where we bump the Trigger spec to v1.

wrt: javascript, I just can never remember how many = I have to specify to actually get the sane semantics :) jk

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

Not only you need syntactical validation, but functional checks as well

We can perform a pretty simple validation on control plane side trying to execute the predicate, giving to it an dummy cloudevent and check if it fails badly with an error or returns a boolean value.

wrt: javascript, I just can never remember how many = I have to specify to actually get the sane semantics :) jk

Well, because all/most attributes (in the first iteration at least) are supposed to be compared strings, you just need ==

FWiesner commented 4 years ago

Not only you need syntactical validation, but functional checks as well

We can perform a pretty simple validation on control plane side trying to execute the predicate, giving to it an dummy cloudevent and check if it fails badly with an error or returns a boolean value.

well, the filter could behave differently on Wednesdays when the temperature is below freezing point ;) To prevent that you'd have to limit Javascript to be able to only use builtins that you provide

lionelvillard commented 4 years ago

We had a lot of discussions about filtering in the past. I encourage you to look for all the open issues related to this topic.

A good starting point is Grant's proposal:

I remember one thing we talked about is being able to do filtering at the source, in particular when the source is a SQL database.

matzew commented 4 years ago

this can be an additive (backwards compatible) change to the API and we do not have to get it in .16 where we bump the Trigger spec to v1.

+1 on that @vaikas

jchesterpivotal commented 4 years ago

I'm starting to lean towards using Javascript

I think this would be problematic in the long run. Lots of scope for unexpected pauses and a shiny magnet for injection attacks.

grantr commented 4 years ago

I agree with @vaikas and others on timing: This is important but seems like it can be a backward compatible addition post-v1. I welcome contrary opinions. :smiley:

I commented on the (in)feasibility of Javascript as a filtering language at

Javascript and Lua programs may not provably terminate, may have memory leaks, and may consume excessive amounts of CPU.

To be fair, this line of argument is mostly sourced from the authors of CEL so there's some selection bias. I personally haven't attempted to embed javascript in a program safely.

I checked out CEL, problem is that the only implementation out there is for Golang.

There's also a C++ implementation, which technically makes it possible to embed in Java via JNI, but I think the general point is valid.

One possibility for making this less of an issue is to allow filters to be evaluated in a separate process. If we had a protocol to execute filters remotely, then the safety and ease of implementation is less critical. Combine that with a broker-specific or cluster-wide registry of filter types and evaluation services, and now any event producer or consumer can execute any filter.

# spitballing, this doesn't actually exist
      type: BuiltIn
      type: Remote
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Service
        name: javascript-event-filter

By focusing on making it easier to introduce a new filtering mechanism, we can avoid deciding which expression language is best for all time :grin:

Even if we have this custom filtering mechanism, I think there should still be a baseline set of filters that work everywhere (probably not an EL), but that's a discussion for another issue.

antoineco commented 4 years ago

Big fan of the idea of having the possibility to use a remote filter here ☝️ It might not be the most performant approach, but it surely avoids implementing something that's either too opinionated or not powerful enough.

slinkydeveloper commented 4 years ago

One possibility for making this less of an issue is to allow filters to be evaluated in a separate process

If we say that the filter is a remote service, we don't need it to be a JS specific thing. But that increases the usage complexity, the roundtrips required to serve a message and the filter service capacity must be pretty big. I feel we could mitigate a bit the problem with some engineering (sidecar service with UDS HTTP/2 connection for example), but you're still introducing a performance penalty on the hot path.

Javascript and Lua programs may not provably terminate, may have memory leaks, and may consume excessive amounts of CPU.

I recognize that, as soon as the language is turing complete, the user could always create some kind of "poison pill". But these engines have countermeasures for that, like

There's also a C++ implementation, which technically makes it possible to embed in Java via JNI, but I think the general point is valid.

Yeah exactly, I think CEL is an interesting language and definitely suits the filtering capabilities we need but, given the available libraries out there supporting it, it could be a serious problem for the adoption of Knative APIs.

By focusing on making it easier to introduce a new filtering mechanism, we can avoid deciding which expression language is best for all time

So are you proposing to make the filtering capabilities set "extensible" so then every broker can implement its own set? At the first glance, this definitely helps the adoption, but it sounds like a problem for the users both for portability of applications (from one broker impl to another, eg from our in memory broker for PoC to a production broker impl) and for the tooling around Knative (UIs, CLI, etc). I know it may sound hard as a goal, but I would prefer to find a powerful filtering solution interoperable across different broker implementations.

FWiesner commented 4 years ago

related topic: in case we get Turing-complete filters, please also consider result filters to decide on redelivery or posting to different channels

sebgoa commented 4 years ago

I am curious to read a clear use-case for this. What type of events getting in and why do you need advanced filtering. I have my views but it would be nice to read it clearly in this issue.

aslom commented 3 years ago

AFAIK OPA policy language is used in Kubernetes already - is it expressive enough for filter expressions? Deny/Allow should map well to filtering events? They have to deal with making sure resources used for OPA execution are wll controlled as nobody wants policy language runtime to impact cluster performance:

AFAIR OPA is to be used for Knative Eventing security?

slinkydeveloper commented 3 years ago

I propose a solution using JS here: feel free to take a look and review

aslom commented 3 years ago

That looks ot me as non-trivial feature - I could not find google doc with the proposal?

Was it maybe linking in some other issue?

My concern is how pluggable is the YAML and code? Could "opa:" or "js:" prefix for expressions be used?

slinkydeveloper commented 3 years ago

My concern is how pluggable is the YAML and code? Could "opa:" or "js:" prefix for expressions be used?

In that case, just renaming the field expression to jsExpression seems reasonable and extensible enough

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 90 days with no activity. It will automatically close after 30 more days of inactivity. Reopen the issue with /reopen. Mark the issue as fresh by adding the comment /remove-lifecycle stale.

slinkydeveloper commented 3 years ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 90 days with no activity. It will automatically close after 30 more days of inactivity. Reopen the issue with /reopen. Mark the issue as fresh by adding the comment /remove-lifecycle stale.

lionelvillard commented 3 years ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

lionelvillard commented 3 years ago

The CNCF Serverless WG is working on a proposal:

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 90 days with no activity. It will automatically close after 30 more days of inactivity. Reopen the issue with /reopen. Mark the issue as fresh by adding the comment /remove-lifecycle stale.

pierDipi commented 3 years ago

/remove-lifecycle stale

devguyio commented 3 years ago

There are many duplicates of the same issue. I'm cleaning old ones like this for the favor of the newest more up to date #5204. We can reopen if needed.