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Add pod security context from func.yaml #2108

Open zalsader opened 6 months ago

zalsader commented 6 months ago

It would be nice to be able to set the pod security context in func.yaml. I ran into this when I was trying to mount a pvc, and I could not write to the pvc. After a lot of digging, I fould that I needed to set fsGroup like this:

kubectl patch services.serving/<name> --type merge \
    -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"securityContext": {"fsGroup":1000}}}}}'

This is because the default group is 1000 (I used golang's os/user to find it). I would prefer to be able to set that from func.yaml, or have that set automatically to some sane default.

current func.yaml ```yaml specVersion: 0.35.0 name: consumer runtime: go registry: image: imageDigest: created: 2023-12-13T00:39:05.888786906-05:00 build: builder: pack run: volumes: - presistentVolumeClaim: claimName: knative-pc-cephfs path: /files deploy: namespace: default ```
Here's the currently generated service: You can see that no `securityContext` data is in the podspec. ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: annotations: consumer "8080" "true" "true" "9092" kubernetes-admin kubernetes-admin creationTimestamp: "2023-12-20T05:20:10Z" generation: 1 labels: "true" go "true" consumer go name: consumer namespace: default resourceVersion: "11510806" uid: ... spec: template: metadata: annotations: consumer "8080" "true" "true" "9092" creationTimestamp: null labels: "true" go "true" consumer go spec: containerConcurrency: 0 containers: - env: - name: BUILT value: 20231220T002010 - name: ADDRESS value: image: livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health/liveness port: 0 name: user-container readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /health/readiness port: 0 successThreshold: 1 resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumeMounts: - mountPath: /files name: pvc-knative-pc-cephfs enableServiceLinks: false timeoutSeconds: 300 volumes: - name: pvc-knative-pc-cephfs persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: knative-pc-cephfs traffic: - latestRevision: true percent: 100 ```
lkingland commented 5 months ago

Agreed on both suggestions. I'll add this to our roadmap as a "ready to work" item.

gouthamhusky commented 5 months ago

Hello @zalsader! I'd like to work on this issue. Could you share some more context about how the func.yaml file is leveraged to generate the service definition? Perhaps pointing to the source code files would help too! This is my first issue and would love to contribute here!

zalsader commented 5 months ago

@gouthamhusky Sure, yeah. Looking at existing closed PRs is a good first step. For example, my first contribution to the library was to add pvc to the allowed volume options. I am happy to review any PRs you create. I'm not a maintainer, so those people could provide more guidance.

Sanket-0510 commented 4 months ago

hey @zalsader after digging into this issue I found out that the podSecurityContext is getting set from here -

and the DefaultPodSecurityContext is defined here -

func defaultPodSecurityContext() *corev1.PodSecurityContext {
    // change ownership of the mounted volume to the first non-root user uid=1000
    if IsOpenShift() {
        return nil
    runAsUser := int64(1001)
    runAsGroup := int64(1002)
    return &corev1.PodSecurityContext{
        RunAsUser:  &runAsUser,
        RunAsGroup: &runAsGroup,
        FSGroup:    &runAsGroup,

if we have defined podSecurityContext then why is it not reflecting in service.yaml. like for containerSecurityContext

we do get the set fields like

          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            - ALL
          runAsNonRoot: true
            type: RuntimeDefault

as passed using this function -

func defaultSecurityContext(client *kubernetes.Clientset) *corev1.SecurityContext {
    runAsNonRoot := true
    sc := &corev1.SecurityContext{
        Privileged:               new(bool),
        AllowPrivilegeEscalation: new(bool),
        RunAsNonRoot:             &runAsNonRoot,
        Capabilities:             &corev1.Capabilities{Drop: []corev1.Capability{"ALL"}},
        SeccompProfile:           nil,
    if info, err := client.ServerVersion(); err == nil {
        var v *semver.Version
        v, err = semver.NewVersion(info.String())
        if err == nil && v.Compare(oneTwentyFour) >= 0 {
            sc.SeccompProfile = &corev1.SeccompProfile{Type: corev1.SeccompProfileTypeRuntimeDefault}
    return sc
Sanket-0510 commented 4 months ago

still if we want to set the podSecurityContext explicitly will have to define new schema in func.yaml followed by creating new struct, setting the value of FSgroup using some function and passing it here -

am I on right track? If yes it would be nice if you could assign this issue to me.

Sanket-0510 commented 4 months ago

lets just say if I define the property PodSecurityContext in func.yaml should it be in RunSpec or in DeploySpec I have question over that!

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