knative / serving-operator

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Deploying serving-operator on Openshift4.3 #409

Open nailushapotnuru opened 4 years ago

nailushapotnuru commented 4 years ago

When deploying serving-operator on Openshift 4.3, all the pods are failing with pod initialization error with status as 0/2 Init:crashloopbackofferror. Pre-req: Installed Istio using helm on OCP 4.3. image oc describe pod podname image

I have build images from- Istio version: 1.1.7

markusthoemmes commented 4 years ago

On Openshift, you might want to take a look at the Serverless operator that brings Knative pre-configured. See for more information.

Knative Serving otherwise isn't regularly build and tested on Openshift so there might be dragons.

That being said, the logs you shared don't contain the actual errors. Can you please fetch the logs of the containers to further debug (see the instructions given, you need to provide the respective container name)

nailushapotnuru commented 4 years ago

Please find the pod logs below:


[cloud-user@ron5-bastion serving-operator]$ oc logs activator-7b4ccf8cc4-hmgtp Error from server (BadRequest): a container name must be specified for pod activator-7b4ccf8cc4-hmgtp, choose one of: [activator istio-proxy] or one of the init containers: [istio-init]

[cloud-user@ron5-bastion serving-operator]$ oc logs activator-7b4ccf8cc4-hmgtp -c istio-proxy Error from server (BadRequest): container "istio-proxy" in pod "activator-7b4ccf8cc4-hmgtp" is waiting to start: PodInitializing