knative / serving

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AWS External Load Balancer TLS Termination - generate 443 server rules when `default-external-scheme: https` is set #15156

Closed patrickleet closed 1 month ago

patrickleet commented 6 months ago

What version of Knative?


Expected Behavior

Hey all, I have istio installed on my eks cluster, and aws lb controller, to set up the loadbalancer including an annotation to set a tls cert from ACM to the lb. I can create virtual services and gateways that terminate traffic at the LB, but having trouble trying to configure knative serving to work this way as well.

I tried setting default-external-scheme: https, which makes the urls https, but I'm getting 404s for all of them.

I figured out the gateway that is created by knative using this setup only contains port 80, I had to edit it to allow port 443 here's what's generated:

kind: Gateway
  creationTimestamp: "2024-04-10T20:27:47Z"
  generation: 6
  labels: example-springboot-dev
  name: example-springboot-dev-3797421420
  namespace: vm-dev-env
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: Ingress
    name: example-springboot-dev
    uid: 1aa7bdb4-3f58-4907-a03d-c642b9590488
  resourceVersion: "18387413"
  uid: e7245ddb-541e-4ab9-9fed-0cde7e98f7cf
    app: istio-ingressgateway
    istio: ingressgateway
  - hosts:
      name: http-server
      number: 80
      protocol: HTTP
      httpsRedirect: true

To get it working, I needed to add:

  - hosts:
      name: https-server
      number: 443
      protocol: HTTP

I would expect that the 443 rule would be added to the gateway when default-external-scheme: https is set, or another option would exist to specify that the rule should be added.

Actual Behavior

See Expected Behavior as that covers what I expect as well as what actually happens, and the manual workaround required to get things moving - summed up, I can't find a way to add the 443 rule without AutoTLS, but that isn't what I want.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Set up KNative Serving using default-external-scheme: https and httpProtocol: Redirected

Additional Information

There is a thread in slack here:

@dprotaso suggested making another loadbalancer as a workaround, but I 1) don't know how to do this as it's all through AWS LB controller and annotations passed to istio ingress gateway helm chart, 2) I don't really want an additional load balancer as the existing one would work if the 443 server rules were generated. In summary, it feels like just generating the 443 rules I add manually to make things work should be supported.

skonto commented 6 months ago

I would expect that the 443 rule would be added to the gateway when default-external-scheme: https is set, or another option would exist to specify that the rule should be added.

cc @ReToCode may have to add more.

ReToCode commented 6 months ago

I don't think this is a from us supported scenario.

Knative itself can provide TLS on external domains in it's ingress layer. Assuming istio you can put a TLS certificate on istio using this guide: (check the istio tab). If now your LB does another TLS termination, you have to make sure that the LB connects using https to the TLS cert that you put in the istio gateway and that your AWS LB trusts that certificate somehow.

patrickleet commented 5 months ago

It seems like the easiest place to make this work would be knative, to allow a user to customize the gateway that's generated by knative - it's something that's already done using autoTLS, I just want that same logic but without a cert specified. It's a lot of effort for all the workarounds.

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