knative / serving

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Feature Request: Relax volume constraint to support more volume types #4417

Open dgerd opened 5 years ago

dgerd commented 5 years ago

In what area(s)?

/area API

/area autoscale /area build /area monitoring /area networking /area test-and-release

Describe the feature

We currently only allow for configmap and secret volumes to be mounted into the user container. This constraint is put in place as volumes are a source of state and can severely limit scaling. This feature request is to relax this constraint to allow a larger set of volumes to be mounted that work well with serverless functions.

I do not have a particular set of volume types in mind, but #4130 may be a good example.

yu2003w commented 5 years ago

To support PVCs, when scaling up/down apps, how could data be handled? Will knative take the work? Or app should handler data migration gracefully when scale up or scale down.

weikinhuang commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to add emptyDir as an allowed type as that would not have state, should not present a scaling problem, and have rw storage outside the docker overlay. Also having emptyDir and medium: Memory will allow users to create larger tmpfs mounts where write intensive operations can happen in memory and not disk, which could wear down SSDs on selfhosted instances and would be orders of magnitude faster. As the default size for /dev/shm is only 64M. One of the suggested workarounds for increasing that is actually using a emptyDir with medium Memory.

I suppose that can be solved by writing a custom mutatingadmissionwebhook.

gustavovalverde commented 4 years ago

I have a very valid use case using Odoo, which saves all generated attachments on a NFS when using multi-tenant deployments, and this is being used on an actual k8s deployment with istio.

Knative can make things easier for us, but we can't drop the NFS (that's not even a source of state for us). There should be someway to accomplish this. If its not an issue with k8s it shouldn't be a constraint using Knative. That NFS should not impact a Knative deployment at all.

dgerd commented 4 years ago

@gustavovalverde Thanks for sharing your use-case. This is something that is on the radar of the API Working Group, but we do not have someone actively working on this right now.

The "Binding" pattern as talked about in could be a potential workaround to inject these into the deployment that Knative creates while we work on getting this issue resolved. See for examples.

cc @mattmoor

gustavovalverde commented 4 years ago

@dgerd @mattmoor I'd really appreciate an example on how to use bindings for this use case. I'll test it and give the feedback here so others with the same restriction can use this workaround.

mattmoor commented 4 years ago

@dgerd and I spent some time discussing this idea before the holidays began. I think he wanted to try to PoC it. If not, then he and I should probably write up a design doc to capture our thoughts/discussion.

jeffgriffith commented 4 years ago

@mattmoor Do I read this correctly that i cannot use ReadWriteMany PVCs at all in a Knative service? I have a simple uploader service that needs to deposit data in an Azure files pvc volume. I understand the desire for statefulness but I don't see this as different from inserting data into a database. The "persistence" isn't in the pod in either case. Thanks for any insight. --jg

mattmoor commented 4 years ago

I don't think we've figured out how to allow this in a way that doesn't have pointy edges that folks will stick themselves on. I totally agree that the filesystem is a useful abstraction for write-many capable devices.

JRBANCEL commented 4 years ago

Bumping this issue because it something that most users I have met want to do.

I don't think we've figured out how to allow this in a way that doesn't have pointy edges that folks will stick themselves on.

True, but realistically we most likely will never be able to prevent users to shoot themselves in the foot. We have seen them bypass the limitations with WebHooks to inject sidecars, use the downward API and mount volumes anyway.

The binding pattern is really interesting but maybe too complicated for typical users who just want to have the Kn Pod Spec be 100% compatible with the k8s Pod Spec.

mdemirhan commented 4 years ago

As an example to what JR said above, both Datadog and New Relic use Unix domain sockets to collect metrics and exposing that is going to be important to support customers using these systems. In case of Datadog, the predominant way of using it is to deploy it as a Daemonset to the cluster and have customers and utilize UDS to send metrics to the agent local to the node. Another alternate is to use host IP within the user code to send the metrics to the Daemonset, but in order to ensure that the metrics are sent to the host node and not a random node in the system, user has to use k8s downward API to feed the IP of the host to the revision, but that doesn't work either because we don't support k8s downward APIs.

Would love to get everyone's opinion on two things:

mattmoor commented 4 years ago

True, but realistically we most likely will never be able to prevent users to shoot themselves in the foot. We have seen them bypass the limitations with WebHooks to inject sidecars, use the downward API and mount volumes anyway.

Yep, I agree. I think my prior comment is likely easily misinterpreted as "No, we need to solve this problem", but my intent was simply to convey that this isn't a slam dunk, there are downsides/gotchas that we'll have to be sure to clearly document.

The binding pattern is really interesting but maybe too complicated for typical users who just want to have the Kn Pod Spec be 100% compatible with the k8s Pod Spec.

The position I've been advocating for is actually to expand the surface of PodSpec that we allow to enable the binding pattern to target Service (as the subject) vs. forcing folks to reach around and use it with our Deployments. Sure if can be used to reach around us, but I agree that here it is inappropriate and overkill.

Can we extend the current list

I think we should absolutely expand the list, I have mixed feelings on hostPath (aka privilege), but we should discuss on a WG call. Especially with multiple container support coming the filesystem becomes an extremely interesting channel for intra-pod communication. The Google Cloud SQL proxy comes to mind 😉

I think at this point what we need is someone to drive the feature by putting together the appropriate feature track documentation and running it through the process.

knative-housekeeping-robot commented 4 years ago

Issues go stale after 90 days of inactivity. Mark the issue as fresh by adding the comment /remove-lifecycle stale. Stale issues rot after an additional 30 days of inactivity and eventually close. If this issue is safe to close now please do so by adding the comment /close.

Send feedback to Knative Productivity Slack channel or file an issue in knative/test-infra.

/lifecycle stale

vagababov commented 4 years ago

I think we still want this /remove-lifecycle stale

JRBANCEL commented 4 years ago

Yes, this could be behind a feature flag. I'll take a look after I add support for Downward API.

gustavovalverde commented 4 years ago

Hi, is there a workaround for this or is it a WIP?

JRBANCEL commented 3 years ago

A workaround is to use a Webhook to inject what you want in the Pod Spec. Not ideal. This is a WIP, but I don't think anyone is working on it right now.

skonto commented 3 years ago

@JRBANCEL I could have a look to this.

JRBANCEL commented 3 years ago

@JRBANCEL I could have a look to this.

Great. You can look a the various features behind feature flags for inspiration, for example:

skonto commented 3 years ago

Thanks @JRBANCEL probably this needs an official design document/proposal. I will work on it.

skonto commented 3 years ago


github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 90 days with no activity. It will automatically close after 30 more days of inactivity. Reopen the issue with /reopen. Mark the issue as fresh by adding the comment /remove-lifecycle stale.

evankanderson commented 3 years ago

It would be good to either document the principles here (e.g. avoid state storage and sharing between Pods as it's against the stateless design and tends to lead to awkward failure and scaling modes), and/or to make this a flag-guarded "default are safe, but you can unlock the hood and reach into the running engine if you must" list.

/triage accepted

yovizzle commented 3 years ago

I have a use case where we're looking to use Knative to facilitate autoscaling of machine learning services that load large artifacts on demand. To illustrate, services that look something like the TensorFlow embedding projector with a large embedding preloaded.

The k8s pod spec pattern we are currently using is an initContainer that copies artifacts from a PVC into emptyDir for the main container to then use. This allows relatively fast loading of these large (~1gb) artifacts compared to, for example, downloading from S3 on start up every time.

I was hoping to use Knative to allow pod autoscaling of these services, as various expensive machine types (eg. gpu's, high ram instances) are required, and having an instance of the service running for every combination of the artifacts is unfeasible.

Is an artifact loading + autoscaling use case like this out of scope for Knative?

Also, are there any further resources for the suggested workarounds? The Google Doc here is private.

The "Binding" pattern as talked about in could be a potential workaround to inject these into the deployment that Knative creates while we work on getting this issue resolved. See for examples.

A workaround is to use a Webhook to inject what you want in the Pod Spec. Not ideal. This is a WIP, but I don't think anyone is working on it right now.

Edit: Is there an example for this pattern? As a workaround for using other storage volumes, you can write native Kubernetes apps where you can mount such volumes and call them from Knative apps.

alxndr42 commented 3 years ago

Similar to @yovizzle, I have a use case where we would like to use an init container to download static (but changing over time) files to a Pod on deployment, and emptyDir would be perfect for this. Otherwise I would also appreciate some documentation for how to use the mentioned workarounds.

julz commented 3 years ago

hi @7adietri - just out of interest to understand the use case fully, what are the primary reasons to want to do this with an initContainer and emptyDir rather than having the main user container download the files on startup before responding to requests?

alxndr42 commented 3 years ago

@julz Separation of concerns, mostly. The init container is using a cloud provider image and runs the provider's tool for downloading files from a bucket. The service/main container doesn't need to know about any of this, the files are "just there".

evankanderson commented 3 years ago

I have a concern around lifetimes and downloading content at init -- if the content changes, you could end up with a mix of content for an unknown duration as serving uses a mix of old and new Pods to handle requests until scaled down.

If there was a way to run the cloud provider image as a continuous sidecar, that would mitigate a lot of my concerns (rollback would still be harder, because there would be two different places to look).

alxndr42 commented 3 years ago

@evankanderson In our case the URL changes with each content update and is part of the deployment manifest, so each content change causes a new deployment. Using different versions of the files until all Pods have been replaced is fine for us, and would probably be the same if they were continously downloaded into running Pods.

dkozlov commented 3 years ago

I have the same approach as @yovizzle. I am trying to keep machine learning model weights in separate container outside of serving container. By using initContainers I am copying the new model weights from the weights container to the unchanged serving container during the container startup through emptyDir volume mounts. In order to use knative without emptyDir I need to push my container with several gigabytes of weights to the registry as single container.

afroehlicher commented 3 years ago

We also need the emptyDir support in order to make use of Knative. We're doing transformations of huge data volumes (potentially some GBs) where the intermediate results are stored in an embedded/local H2 database and retrieved via SQL. Above a certain H2 cache size these results are stored on disc.

We want to introduce autoscaling via Knative and our application seems to fit the requirements: These transformations are stateless and independent from each other, the cache is no longer used after the transformation finished. From my point of view emptyDir volumes look consistent to the Knative approach, I really hope they'll get implemented soon!

lenalebt commented 3 years ago

Same here. I have an app that already is on Knative, and now need to move away from it just because I need an emptyDir mount. Roughly the same use-case as @7adietri - it's a swagger-ui showing a merged view of OpenAPI spec files. Rarely accessed, but when it is should be up2date. When starting, I fetch the swagger sources and merge them into one using swagger-cli & then serve the merged file. Shutting down after 30 minutes without requests. I'm now making this a k8s deployment and need to run it the whole time. A few extra seconds on startup would totally be acceptable there.

For the deployment I need to hand-craft a way to restart it from time to time to get updated specs, which I could totally skip otherwise.

skonto commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am back on this, I am writing the feature track, will update.

skonto commented 3 years ago

The ft doc for this can be found here, feel free to add comments (added in the knative team drive). It is a draft version to get the discussion going and hopefully move things forward.

dprotaso commented 3 years ago

Some thoughts

1) emptyDir as a scratch space makes sense - especially since it's tied to the pod's lifecycle 2) I'm not really convinced downloading models (via an initContainer) into an emptyDir really makes a lot of sense

To expand on 2) it seems really inefficient and you're not benefiting from any caching. Any additional pods that are scaled up (even on the same node) will always download the model? Maybe the better pattern is to bundle them in an OCI image and access them as a sidecar. Then subsequent starts would be much faster since these model images will be cached by Kubernetes

alxndr42 commented 3 years ago

Any additional pods that are scaled up (even on the same node) will always download the model?

Yes, but this is not a major concern for us, our Pods are relatively long-lived.

Maybe the better pattern is to bundle them in an OCI image and access them as a sidecar.

Maybe, but emptyDir is easy to understand and use, whereas I haven't even heard of OCI images before. 😬

dprotaso commented 3 years ago

whereas I haven't even heard of OCI images before.

OCI is the standard for container images that run in Docker, Kubernetes, etc.

skonto commented 3 years ago

@dprotaso using init containers to get models is an approach already used by Seldon (MLOPS) and others. Check here and here. So it is something not new in that domain.

Seldon Core uses Init Containers to download model binaries for the prepackaged model servers.

They also support autoscaling via HPA and KEDA. KFServing (Kubeflow) does the same: This does not mean this is the only way or the best in every occasion. Actually its pretty common also to deploy a model bundled together with a server which exposes some API for predictions. Caching is one benefit as you mentioned and that means shorter scaling times. However not all envs allow or desire to pre-package everything for example for data governance reasons etc. Also if the model is not that big it should not be an issue. In addition some times people want to experiment and that could be much easier than building images so from a UX perspective it is also acceptable.

skonto commented 3 years ago

@dprotaso I will update the feature track based on latest comments and will start implementation asap if there are no objections. Some basic scenarios like emptyDir support should be there imho.

swapkh91 commented 2 years ago

any update on this? I have a use case to increase shm-size when deploying Triton Inference Server on GKE using Kserve. The only solution I could find online was this

But this gives knative error

Warning  InternalError  14s (x2 over 29s)  v1beta1Controllers  fails to reconcile predictor: admission webhook "" denied the request: validation failed: expected exactly one, got neither: spec.template.spec.volumes[0].configMap, spec.template.spec.volumes[0].projected, spec.template.spec.volumes[0].secret
alxndr42 commented 2 years ago

@swapkh91 Support for emptyDir volumes is available, behind a feature flag.

swapkh91 commented 2 years ago

@swapkh91 Support for emptyDir volumes is available, behind a feature flag.

@7adietri yeah I tried that by enabling it in the configmap Then changed my yaml as per this The above error was resolved but now I'm getting the below error in Triton logs:

'boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception' what():  Read-only file system

Can't find anything to resolve this

mountPath has to be /cache as per Knative or anything should work?

alxndr42 commented 2 years ago

@swapkh91 I'm sorry, I don't know what the issue is on your particular setup beyond enabling emptyDir support. (And this issue is probably not the appropriate place. But Read-only file system seems worth investigating.)

swapkh91 commented 2 years ago

@swapkh91 I'm sorry, I don't know what the issue is on your particular setup beyond enabling emptyDir support. (And this issue is probably not the appropriate place. But Read-only file system seems worth investigating.)

@7adietri yeah looking into it. Anyway, thanks for the reply

skonto commented 2 years ago

Hi @swapkh91!

mountPath has to be /cache as per Knative or anything should work?

It can be anything.

swapkh91 commented 2 years ago

Hi @swapkh91!

mountPath has to be /cache as per Knative or anything should work?

It can be anything.

@skonto thanks for the confirmation. The problem I'm still facing is the read-only thing as I've stated above. Not sure if its coming from Knative side or Kserve

skonto commented 2 years ago

Probably its the triton container? I see a similar bug here, also here things seem to be read-only. Could you try test a trivial service and compare with triton:

kind: Service
  name: emptydir
  namespace: default
        - imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: data
              mountPath: /data
            - name: DATA_PATH
              value: /data
        - name: data
          emptyDir: {}

kubectl describe pods in my setup shows (rw):

      DATA_PATH:        /data
      PORT:             8080
      K_REVISION:       emptydir-00001
      K_CONFIGURATION:  emptydir
      K_SERVICE:        emptydir
      /data from data (rw)

What do you see at your side? The triton error happens at runtime I suppose.

swapkh91 commented 2 years ago

Probably its the triton container? I see a similar bug here, also here things seem to be read-only. Could you try test a trivial service and compare with triton:

kind: Service
  name: emptydir
  namespace: default
        - imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: data
              mountPath: /data
            - name: DATA_PATH
              value: /data
        - name: data
          emptyDir: {}

kubectl describe pods in my setup shows (rw):

      DATA_PATH:        /data
      PORT:             8080
      K_REVISION:       emptydir-00001
      K_CONFIGURATION:  emptydir
      K_SERVICE:        emptydir
      /data from data (rw)

What do you see at your side? The triton error happens at runtime I suppose.

@skonto yeah it works for a trivial service I modified the yaml a bit and still it worked, to see if /dev/shm is accessible

kind: Service
  name: emptydir
  namespace: default
        - imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: dshm
              mountPath: /dev/shm
            - name: DATA_PATH
              value: /dev/shm
        - name: dshm
            medium: Memory

In the pod description I can see

      DATA_PATH:        /dev/shm
      PORT:             8080
      K_REVISION:       emptydir-00001
      K_CONFIGURATION:  emptydir
      K_SERVICE:        emptydir
      /dev/shm from dshm (rw)

Then I guess its from Kserve side! Also, Kserve currently uses 0.23.2 version of Knative (as per quick_install script), which is also incompatible for using emptyDir, I changed it to current version for my case.

My case is to increase the shm-size, which normally can be done in docker run --shm-size=1g .... The solution online to do it in Kubernetes suggests using emptyDir, link

boudo commented 1 year ago

Hi @skonto, in your comment here you said:

Hi rw access is allowed for emptydir only at the moment but full rw pvc support is coming. @Phelan164 the code you mention excludes emptydir volumes. So if emptyDir is used you should get write access unless something else is wrong in the given setup (not K8s spec related). All other volume types will remain in read-only mode unless explicitly defined otherwise. There are thoughts though to allow completely the K8s pod spec using some flag to enable this on demand eg. for advanced users etc.

I would like to know if read and write access is currently supported for PVCs in an InferenceService?

steren commented 1 year ago

With containers allowing more than one containers, it makes sense to allow emptyDir with medium: Memory for these multiple containers to exchange data (e.g. logs) via this volume.

zmrubin commented 1 year ago

Bumping, this is a feature also need for my project! would be very useful