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Implement website redesign #134

Open aliok opened 1 month ago

aliok commented 1 month ago

Current design of the Knative website ( does not look modern. Knative UX working group has prepared a new design for the website. We would like to get this design implemented in the website.


If you would like to participate in the mentorship and if you're eligible, I would not just start with the task directly.

Maybe start exploring how the website works, build it locally, etc.

We will select the mentee based on:

We will ask you to to apply with a document on LFX platform, when the applications are open.

TenzDelek commented 1 month ago

Hello @aliok , this is Tenzin, a passionate React Developer /Next Developer, I am happy to write this note to share my sheer desire to be a part of this mentorship to learn and grow in this field. I have noted the requirements for this project and will try to understand it as soon as possible. Participating in this project as a part of LFX mentorship program would be a huge opportunity for me to contribute and explore with other senior developers and learn from them as well.

I am ready to make a positive contribution to this collaboration and also in the mean time, will be looking into the codebase and the Material for MkDocs for better understanding of the environment... with Regards Tenzin Delek

ShivamJha2436 commented 1 month ago

Hello @aliok , it's Shivam here, I'd be happy to implement the new design for the Knative documentation website. My skills as a frontend developer with experience in React, Next.js, Material for MkDocs, Shadow DOM, Tailwind CSS, and design tools like Figma make me a strong fit for this task. I'm interested in participating in the LFX mentorship program. I believe it would be a valuable learning experience for me. Contributing to the project alongside experienced developers would allow me to develop my skills and gain new insights. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further details about my approach.

Thanks, Shivam kumar

upsaurav12 commented 1 month ago

Hello @aliok , I am Saurav Upadhyay a passionate frontend developer . I am very excited to apply in lfx mentorship for this project for upcoming term . I have experience in Javascript , Vuejs , Figma . I have seen Project skill requirements and will learn and understand as soon as possible.

By Participating in this program i will get opportunity of builiding project that can help me to gain experience in web development and upgrading my skills Thank You Saurav Upadhyay

aliok commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your interest everyone.

I've added some more description in the issue description at the top about what to do right now and how the mentee will be selected.

vibhu1805 commented 1 month ago

Hi @aliok , I'm Vibhuti Sharma passionate about creating user friendly and responsive websites. I believe I am well suited for this project due to strong foundation in react , css , figma , typescript , html . Participating in this program gives me a opportunity to refine my teamwork and collaboration skills as well as my skills in frontend.

Vidit-Kushwaha commented 1 month ago

Hello, @aliok, is this accepting applications?

JanhaviAlekar commented 1 month ago

Hello , I'm Janhavi Alekar, a frontend developer proficient in HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, and Figma etc. With experience of applying these skills in real-world projects, I'm eager to utilize them effectively for knative.

I have contributed to open-source projects previously, I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to knative. I've already set up the repository, built, and run the website locally, and I'm currently familiarizing myself with the codebase.

After reviewing the provided details and examining the figma designs, I'm focused on ensuring an impactful implementation that aligns with knative's vision and enhances the user experience.

0xmihirsahu commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @aliok, Do you have link to Slack or discord where I can communicate?

aliok commented 1 week ago

@0xmihirsahu contains all the community information. Thanks for reaching out!

0xmihirsahu commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the response, @aliok . I've already figured it out and joined the Knative CNCF Slack.