knative / website

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Add StackOverflow Link to bottom of homepage #273

Open omerbensaadon opened 3 years ago

omerbensaadon commented 3 years ago
Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 9 43 20 AM

Would be great to add a link to StackOverflow at the bottom here...

Where would I PR this change?

CC: @RichieEscarez

RichieEscarez commented 3 years ago

This is one of the dynamic template pages.

The new content would be added to this list in the config file:

Do remember to test all screen sizes (I expect some word cut-off might happen when adding more to that row, which would require some tweaking).

omerbensaadon commented 3 years ago

thanks @RichieEscarez I'll throw this on the To Do List

omerbensaadon commented 3 years ago

@RichieEscarez wait I am confused...

What you linked me to doesn't look like it appears on the homepage...? I don't see any of the copy ("Interested in learning more, speaking to other contributors..." etc)

RichieEscarez commented 3 years ago

Sorry, that is the footer for all other pages so you need to add/update the footer in both places.

Here is the main site index (it was moved to knative/website to also protect it from change since it had "marketing" language)