Hi Brian,
I am wondering if I can change the IDs of my chromosomes in my vcf into something else and save this as a new vcf file! The background is that some functions such as SnpAnnotationDataFrame take only integer values, but my chromosome ids look like this:
Hi Brian, I am wondering if I can change the IDs of my chromosomes in my vcf into something else and save this as a new vcf file! The background is that some functions such as SnpAnnotationDataFrame take only integer values, but my chromosome ids look like this:
[5] "##contig="""""""""""
[6] "##contig=
[7] "##contig=
[8] "##contig=
[9] "##contig=
[10] "##contig=
[11] "##contig=
[12] "##contig=
[13] "##contig=
[14] "##contig=
[15] "##contig=
Is it possible to translate them into numbers for instance?