knausb / vcfR

Tools to work with variant call format files
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After using read.vcfR file format is not recognised * This is not a vcf! #175

Closed frederikvand closed 3 years ago

frederikvand commented 3 years ago

I am trying to manipulate my vcf and writing new vcf subsets but after the vcf is read, I am unable to write or change the format to .bed. However, I do not see any problem with the format.

format(snp) "<S4 class ‘vcfR’ [package “vcfR”] with 3 slots>"

Object of Class vcfR 288 samples 40743 CHROMs 239,286 variants Object size: 1279.8 Mb 0 percent missing data

write.vcf(snp, "snp.vcf") WRITING VCF