knausb / vcfR

Tools to work with variant call format files
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chromR object not finding DP and MQ values #206

Closed JuanitaGil closed 1 year ago

JuanitaGil commented 1 year ago

Hi Brian,

Thank you so much for providing an answer to my previous post. I've created this new issue to address the problem and generated an example that hopefully will allow you to look at the problem and create a "fix" for the data. Below is also my session info.

Thanks, Juanita

sessionInfo() R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

Matrix products: default BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/


attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages: [1] reshape2_1.4.4

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] Rcpp_1.0.9 knitr_1.41 magrittr_2.0.3 tidyselect_1.2.0 munsell_0.5.0
[6] lattice_0.20-45 colorspace_2.0-3 ape_5.6-2 R6_2.5.1 rlang_1.0.6
[11] fastmap_1.1.0 fansi_1.0.3 stringr_1.5.0 plyr_1.8.8 dplyr_1.0.10
[16] tools_4.2.2 parallel_4.2.2 grid_4.2.2 nlme_3.1-160 gtable_0.3.1
[21] xfun_0.36 utf8_1.2.2 cli_3.6.0 htmltools_0.5.4 digest_0.6.31
[26] yaml_2.3.6 tibble_3.1.8 lifecycle_1.0.3 ggplot2_3.4.0 vctrs_0.5.1
[31] evaluate_0.19 glue_1.6.2 rmarkdown_2.19 stringi_1.7.12 compiler_4.2.2
[36] pillar_1.8.1 generics_0.1.3 scales_1.2.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3

knausb commented 1 year ago

Hi Juanita,

Thank you for providing an example, that really helps. Please check the below example that I've modified from yours to get the result I think you're looking for. Please let me know if it's a result you're happy with. Note the that I used some 'creativity' to get 'MQ'. A better solution may be to go back to variant calling and see if your variant caller will output the information you're looking for. But I see that as a 'high labor' option. My hope is that this post-hoc example is lower labor but still gets you what you want.

Thanks! Brian

#>    *****       ***   vcfR   ***       *****
#>    This is vcfR 1.13.0 
#>      browseVignettes('vcfR') # Documentation
#>      citation('vcfR') # Citation
#>    *****       *****      *****       *****

input files

my_path <- "~/Desktop/sandbox/juanitagil/DP_issue_example_data/"
vcf <- read.vcfR(paste(my_path, "Rsolani_test.vcf.gz", sep = ""), verbose = FALSE)
dna <- ape::read.dna(paste(my_path, "Rsolani_test_dna.fa", sep = ""), format = "fasta")
gff <- read.table(paste(my_path, "Rsolani_AG1-IA_ref_genome.gff3", sep = ""), sep = "\t", quote = "")

Inspect vcfR object

#>  [1] "INFO=ID=CNV"    "INFO=ID=TA"     "INFO=ID=TID"    "INFO=ID=TGN"   
#>  [5] "INFO=ID=TCO"    "INFO=ID=TACH"   "INFO=ID=NS"     "INFO=ID=MAF"   
#>  [9] "INFO=ID=OH"     "INFO=ID=AN"     "INFO=ID=AFS"    "INFO=ID=TYPE"  
queryMETA(vcf, element = "DP")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "FORMAT=ID=DP"           "Number=1"               "Type=Integer"          
#> [4] "Description=Read depth"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "FORMAT=ID=ADP"                          
#> [2] "Number=R"                               
#> [3] "Type=Integer"                           
#> [4] "Description=Counts for observed alleles"
#> [5] " including the reference allele"        
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "FORMAT=ID=BSDP"                                                                           
#> [2] "Number=4"                                                                                 
#> [3] "Type=Integer"                                                                             
#> [4] "Description=Number of base calls (depth) for the 4 nucleotides in called SNVs sorted as A"
#> [5] "C"                                                                                        
#> [6] "G"                                                                                        
#> [7] "T"
#> [1] "NS=1;AN=1;AFS=0,2;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=38;TYPE=INDEL;TA=frameshift_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;TCO=98.2;TACH=NH98NS"
#> [2] "NS=6;AN=2;AFS=8,4;OH=0.0;MAF=0.33;CNV=61;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001"                                   
#> [3] "NS=5;AN=1;AFS=0,10;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=63;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001"
vcf@gt[1:3, 1:2]
#>      FORMAT                 117T                           
#> [1,] "GT:PL:GQ:DP:ADP:ACN"  "./.:80,6,0:0:2:0,2:2,0"       
#> [2,] "GT:PL:GQ:DP:BSDP:ACN" "1/1:169,15,0:42:6:5,0,0,0:0,2"
#> [3,] "GT:PL:GQ:DP:BSDP:ACN" "1/1:174,15,0:42:6:0,0,0,5:0,2"

Extracting DP values from gt field

dp <-, "DP", as.numeric = TRUE)

Add DP to INFO

dp[1:3, 1:4]
#>                         117T AC13 AC14 AC15
#> JACYCF010000001.1_929_1    2    0    0    1
#> JACYCF010000001.1_956_2    6    1    1    4
#> JACYCF010000001.1_957_3    6    1    1    4
myDP <- rowSums(dp)
myDP <- paste("DP=", myDP, sep = "")
#> [1] "DP=66"  "DP=153" "DP=157"
vcf@fix[, 'INFO'] <- paste(vcf@fix[, 'INFO'], myDP, sep = ";")
vcf@fix[, 'INFO'][1:3]
#> [1] "NS=1;AN=1;AFS=0,2;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=38;TYPE=INDEL;TA=frameshift_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;TCO=98.2;TACH=NH98NS;DP=66"
#> [2] "NS=6;AN=2;AFS=8,4;OH=0.0;MAF=0.33;CNV=61;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;DP=153"                                  
#> [3] "NS=5;AN=1;AFS=0,10;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=63;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;DP=157"

The MQ is less straight forward. We can summarize ‘GQ’ and use it as a surrogate. We need to name our summary ‘MQ’ so that ‘create.chromR()’ will recognize it.

dp <-, "GQ", as.numeric = TRUE)
myDP <- rowSums(dp)
myDP <- paste("MQ=", myDP, sep = "")
vcf@fix[, 'INFO'] <- paste(vcf@fix[, 'INFO'], myDP, sep = ";")
vcf@fix[, 'INFO'][1:3]
#> [1] "NS=1;AN=1;AFS=0,2;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=38;TYPE=INDEL;TA=frameshift_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;TCO=98.2;TACH=NH98NS;DP=66;MQ=42"
#> [2] "NS=6;AN=2;AFS=8,4;OH=0.0;MAF=0.33;CNV=61;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;DP=153;MQ=264"                                 
#> [3] "NS=5;AN=1;AFS=0,10;OH=0.0;MAF=0.0;CNV=63;TA=intron_variant;TID=rna-gnl|WGS:JACYCF|g1.1_mrna;TGN=RHS01_00001;DP=157;MQ=222"

Recreate the ‘DP’ matrix that we ‘clobbered’ above.

dp <-, "DP", as.numeric = TRUE)

creating a chromR object

chrom <- create.chromR(vcf, name="CHROM", seq=dna, ann=gff, verbose=TRUE)
#> Annotations include more than one chromosome.
#> JACYCF010000001.1, JACYCF010000010.1, JACYCF010000011.1, JACYCF010000012.1, JACYCF010000013.1, JACYCF010000014.1, JACYCF010000015.1, JACYCF010000016.1, JACYCF010000017.1, JACYCF010000018.1, JACYCF010000019.1, JACYCF010000002.1, JACYCF010000020.1, JACYCF010000021.1, JACYCF010000022.1, JACYCF010000023.1, JACYCF010000024.1, JACYCF010000025.1, JACYCF010000026.1, JACYCF010000027.1, JACYCF010000028.1, JACYCF010000029.1, JACYCF010000003.1, JACYCF010000030.1, JACYCF010000031.1, JACYCF010000032.1, JACYCF010000033.1, JACYCF010000034.1, JACYCF010000035.1, JACYCF010000036.1, JACYCF010000037.1, JACYCF010000038.1, JACYCF010000039.1, JACYCF010000004.1, JACYCF010000040.1, JACYCF010000041.1, JACYCF010000042.1, JACYCF010000043.1, JACYCF010000044.1, JACYCF010000045.1, JACYCF010000046.1, JACYCF010000047.1, JACYCF010000048.1, JACYCF010000049.1, JACYCF010000005.1, JACYCF010000050.1, JACYCF010000051.1, JACYCF010000052.1, JACYCF010000053.1, JACYCF010000054.1, JACYCF010000055.1, JACYCF010000056.1, JACYCF010000057.1, JACYCF010000058.1, JACYCF010000059.1, JACYCF010000006.1, JACYCF010000060.1, JACYCF010000061.1, JACYCF010000062.1, JACYCF010000063.1, JACYCF010000064.1, JACYCF010000065.1, JACYCF010000066.1, JACYCF010000067.1, JACYCF010000068.1, JACYCF010000069.1, JACYCF010000007.1, JACYCF010000070.1, JACYCF010000071.1, JACYCF010000072.1, JACYCF010000073.1, JACYCF010000074.1, JACYCF010000075.1, JACYCF010000076.1, JACYCF010000077.1, JACYCF010000078.1, JACYCF010000079.1, JACYCF010000008.1, JACYCF010000080.1, JACYCF010000081.1, JACYCF010000082.1, JACYCF010000083.1, JACYCF010000084.1, JACYCF010000085.1, JACYCF010000086.1, JACYCF010000087.1, JACYCF010000088.1, JACYCF010000089.1, JACYCF010000009.1, JACYCF010000090.1, JACYCF010000091.1, JACYCF010000092.1, JACYCF010000093.1, JACYCF010000094.1, JACYCF010000095.1, JACYCF010000096.1
#> Subsetting to the first chromosome
#> Names in vcf:
#>   JACYCF010000001.1
#> Names of sequences:
#>   JACYCF010000001.1
#> Names in annotation:
#>   JACYCF010000001.1
#> Initializing slot.
#> slot initialized.

Plotting objects

Session information

#> R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
#> Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
#> Running under: macOS Monterey 12.4
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
#> LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
#> locale:
#> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] reshape2_1.4.4 pinfsc50_1.2.0 ggplot2_3.3.6  vcfR_1.13.0   
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] tidyselect_1.1.2  xfun_0.32         memuse_4.2-1      purrr_0.3.4      
#>  [5] splines_4.2.1     lattice_0.20-45   colorspace_2.0-3  vctrs_0.4.1      
#>  [9] generics_0.1.3    htmltools_0.5.3   viridisLite_0.4.1 yaml_2.3.5       
#> [13] mgcv_1.8-40       utf8_1.2.2        rlang_1.0.5       pillar_1.8.1     
#> [17] glue_1.6.2        withr_2.5.0       lifecycle_1.0.1   plyr_1.8.8       
#> [21] stringr_1.4.1     munsell_0.5.0     gtable_0.3.1      evaluate_0.16    
#> [25] knitr_1.40        permute_0.9-7     fastmap_1.1.0     curl_4.3.2       
#> [29] parallel_4.2.1    fansi_1.0.3       highr_0.9         Rcpp_1.0.9       
#> [33] scales_1.2.1      vegan_2.6-2       mime_0.12         fs_1.5.2         
#> [37] digest_0.6.29     stringi_1.7.8     dplyr_1.0.10      grid_4.2.1       
#> [41] cli_3.4.0         tools_4.2.1       magrittr_2.0.3    tibble_3.1.8     
#> [45] cluster_2.1.3     ape_5.6-2         pkgconfig_2.0.3   MASS_7.3-57      
#> [49] Matrix_1.4-1      xml2_1.3.3        reprex_2.0.2      rmarkdown_2.16   
#> [53] httr_1.4.4        rstudioapi_0.14   R6_2.5.1          nlme_3.1-157     
#> [57] compiler_4.2.1

Created on 2023-01-17 with reprex v2.0.2

JuanitaGil commented 1 year ago

Hi Brian,

Thank you so much for fixing the problem so promptly! I think this is just what we were looking for. I actually think that reporting the GQ values makes more sense for us, because this is the population VCF and we already filter by mapping quality while calling variants.

Best, Juanita