knavesec / CredMaster

Refactored & improved CredKing password spraying tool, uses FireProx APIs to rotate IP addresses, stay anonymous, and beat throttling
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Colours added + slack notifier module #18

Closed ZephrFish closed 1 year ago

ZephrFish commented 1 year ago

tidied up some of the code, added in slack notifier and how to configure. Tested in a live environment, and all confirmed working. To use colours in new templates simply upon success or failure, do:

utils.prGreen("Success!") # This will print out the work success in Green; likewise, you can do utils.prRed("Failed :(") # This will print out Failed in red.

To use slack, populate your webhook URL in the config-vars.json file, credmaster will load this and send updates into the channel with usernames and passwords that are valid etc.

knavesec commented 1 year ago

Also add yourself to the Credits/Contributors section of the readme!

ZephrFish commented 1 year ago

Have made requested changes, tested and confirmed working. I have also tidied up logging messages to slack for easier differentiation between responses of other modules.