knazeri / edge-connect

EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction, ICCV 2019
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what is the difference of model training of stage3 and stage4 #144

Open 12ycli opened 4 years ago

12ycli commented 4 years ago

In config.yaml file, I see the MODEL option can be set to 3 or 4. While simple explaination is given below, I still don't understand the difference between edge-inpaint model and joint model. MODEL 1: edge model, 2: inpaint model, 3: edge-inpaint model, 4: joint model

rainadam commented 4 years ago

I wonder too

12ycli commented 4 years ago

I wonder too

From what the code show in edgeconnect. Model 3 only backpropagates for inpaint model, but use the output of edge_model as edge input. Model 4 backpropagates for edge model and inpaint model.

               # inpaint with edge model
                elif model == 3:
                    # train
                    if True or np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) > 0:
                        outputs = self.edge_model(images_gray, edges, masks)
                        outputs = outputs * masks + edges * (1 - masks)
                        outputs = edges

                    outputs, gen_loss, dis_loss, logs = self.inpaint_model.process(images, outputs.detach(), masks)
                    outputs_merged = (outputs * masks) + (images * (1 - masks))

                    # metrics
                    psnr = self.psnr(self.postprocess(images), self.postprocess(outputs_merged))
                    mae = (torch.sum(torch.abs(images - outputs_merged)) / torch.sum(images)).float()
                    logs.append(('psnr', psnr.item()))
                    logs.append(('mae', mae.item()))

                    # backward
                    self.inpaint_model.backward(gen_loss, dis_loss)
                    iteration = self.inpaint_model.iteration

                # joint model
                    # train
                    e_outputs, e_gen_loss, e_dis_loss, e_logs = self.edge_model.process(images_gray, edges, masks)
                    e_outputs = e_outputs * masks + edges * (1 - masks)
                    i_outputs, i_gen_loss, i_dis_loss, i_logs = self.inpaint_model.process(images, e_outputs, masks)
                    outputs_merged = (i_outputs * masks) + (images * (1 - masks))

                    # metrics
                    psnr = self.psnr(self.postprocess(images), self.postprocess(outputs_merged))
                    mae = (torch.sum(torch.abs(images - outputs_merged)) / torch.sum(images)).float()
                    precision, recall = self.edgeacc(edges * masks, e_outputs * masks)
                    e_logs.append(('pre', precision.item()))
                    e_logs.append(('rec', recall.item()))
                    i_logs.append(('psnr', psnr.item()))
                    i_logs.append(('mae', mae.item()))
                    logs = e_logs + i_logs

                    # backward
                    self.inpaint_model.backward(i_gen_loss, i_dis_loss)
                    self.edge_model.backward(e_gen_loss, e_dis_loss)
rainadam commented 4 years ago

Thx 搜马驰

Hgy12345 commented 1 year ago

image Why do I have problems in the picture when I train model 4

rainadam commented 1 year ago

  您好,邮件已收到,我会及时处理。  郭春雨

shensongli commented 1 year ago

image Why do I have problems in the picture when I train model 4

Excuse me,have you solved the problem?