kneasle / jigsaw

A visual, incremental composing tool for change ringing.
MIT License
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Idiots Guide #3

Open Cellobell opened 5 months ago

Cellobell commented 5 months ago


I've recently been interested with composing and found this and thought it would be a helpful tool for me. However I'm struggling to install it via the instructions that are already on the page. I think I'm just being stupid and missing something but could you provide a more step-by-step guide for the installation please?


kneasle commented 5 months ago

Hello, glad to see that you're interested in composing and in this project 😃

You're not being stupid here - the current install instructions don't actually work anymore because I started rewriting the code but didn't update the install instructions accordingly. I used to host a copy of this at, but this too got broken after I rewrote my website... a lot changed in three years, I guess 😅

If I get some time in the coming days I'll see if I can get that link up and running again. However, do note that this project was only ever a very basic prototype for my uni project (lacking some really major features like saving work) and isn't really usable for production. However, I'd still like to set the link up so you can have at least something to play around with. But it may take a bit for me to get round to it.



Cellobell commented 5 months ago

Hi Ben,

Thank you for doing this! I really do appreciate it. I don’t mind waiting, however if it’s turning out to be too much hassle then I would completely understand if you said you didn’t have time to sort out.

Thanks Alex

kneasle commented 5 months ago

OK, I've had a chance to look at this and I've put an archive of the latest working build of Jigsaw here: If you have a mouse with a scroll-wheel, it's pretty usable (but again, it won't save your work and only works for Major :smile:). Enjoy!

I may continue rewriting Jigsaw in the future, so do let me know if you run into any serious issues with it, as then I can bear them in mind when rebuilding it.

Cellobell commented 5 months ago

I don't know what to say except THANK YOU!! This will really help me through out to visualise what is happening instead trying to figure it out on paper and then as soon as I put it into complib I've done it all wrong and have to stat again/figure out where I've gone wrong 🤦

I will certainly tell you about any issues that I may come across if you decide to continue with this in the future.

Once again thank you!

kneasle commented 5 months ago

No worries - you're very welcome. There's no point spending time on a project and then making it inaccessible.

Also, by the way, what's your (full) name? You must presumably be a ringer called Alex and there's every possibility I've met you at some point in real life :sweat_smile:

Cellobell commented 5 months ago

My name is Alexander P Johnson and I ring at Leeds Minster, I don’t think we’ve met but I might be mistaken.

kneasle commented 4 months ago

Aha nice, this sounds like we probably haven't met - I don't think I've even set foot in Leeds, let alone rung there... I ring mostly in Cambridge now but used to ring a fair bit in Oxford.

However, who knows, we may well run into each other in the future :)