kneasle / wheatley

An AI for Ringing Room that can ring any number of bells to increase the scope of practices.
MIT License
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Bump versions #222

Open lelandpaul opened 1 year ago

lelandpaul commented 1 year ago

I'm working on a variety of version-bumps for Ringing Room. This will require Wheatley to use the latest socketio versions.

This has been tested against a local build of Ringing Room; it will fail against the production RR due to backwards-compatibility issues in socketio.

lelandpaul commented 1 year ago

Not entirely sure how you'd like to handle the build failures. Some are due to the incompatibility with currently-released RR; others look like just incompatibility with python 3.6, but I'm not sure I intend to continue supporting that on RR. Let me know if you need me to do anything more.

centreboard commented 1 year ago

incompatibility with python 3.6, but I'm not sure I intend to continue supporting that on RR

I think we can drop python 3.6 support since lot's of other packages have dropped support.

centreboard commented 1 year ago

This has been tested against a local build of Ringing Room; it will fail against the production RR due to backwards-compatibility issues in socketio.

Not entirely sure how you'd like to handle the build failures

The version of socketio & engineio required when installing Wheatley via PIP is controlled by

Since this will be a breaking change for Wheatley and ringing room a process for this could be 1) Just update in Wheatley, and publish this a a pre-release to pypi 0.8.0b1. This won't work with the current production ringing room 2) Update Ringing room socketio, using the pre release Wheatley 3) Merge in this PR and publish Wheatley 0.8.0, encouraging command line users to update

lelandpaul commented 1 year ago

That process seems good to me. I've gone ahead and bumped the versions in

centreboard commented 1 year ago

I've published to allow RingingRoom to update with that version