It looks like the buttons.css in the sinatra example was generated from a SASS file, and it would be useful to see that file as well (for readability).
Also, it looks IE gradient thing is not interacting well with your SASS variables (notice $start and $end in the following line: filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, startColorstr='$start', endColorstr='$end');)
Finally, thanks for getting this ball rolling, I'm really excited about this project!
I'd love to include examples for as many preprocessors as possible to be honest. I'll see about the mixin, I think I was just being lazy copying over some existing css from somewhere else.
It looks like the buttons.css in the sinatra example was generated from a SASS file, and it would be useful to see that file as well (for readability).
Also, it looks IE gradient thing is not interacting well with your SASS variables (notice $start and $end in the following line: filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, startColorstr='$start', endColorstr='$end');)
Finally, thanks for getting this ball rolling, I'm really excited about this project!