knht / eris-pagination

🔀 An extremely easy to use Embed Paginator for the Eris Discord Library
MIT License
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more options for buttons #22

Open ThySeth opened 2 years ago

ThySeth commented 2 years ago

All the new stuff below seems to work properly as far as I can tell. I did my best at optimizing everything, I probably missed some stuff though.

  1. "deleteButton", "firstButton", & "lastButton" changed from Booleans to Objects containing "enable" & "emoji". a. Each extended button can be enabled individually and function as intended on your messages b. "emoji" overrides the default like before c. "extendedButtons" still needs to be set to 'true' for these to work

  2. "showPageNumbers" has the option of changing from content to footer by specifying {footer: true} rather than a straight Boolean.

Example: EmbedPaginator.createPaginationEmbed(msg, embeds, { showPageNumbers: {footer: true}, extendedButtons: true, firstButton: {enable: true, emoji: "🔁"}, lastButton: {enable: false}, deleteButton: {enable: true} });