knightcrawler-stremio / knightcrawler

A selfhosted Stremio addon
Apache License 2.0
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Added section for external access with Caddy and optional DuckDNS. #114

Closed ben-2357 closed 4 months ago

Gabisonfire commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your PR! I don't think we should make that enabled by default. This should be in it's own compose file.

ben-2357 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your PR! I don't think we should make that enabled by default. This should be in it's own compose file.

Would it be better to just comment it out? There's a possibility some users might forget to start both compose files. It would be easier to bundle both containers together and would be easier on the end user if they aren't familiar with Docker. Just my take on this.

Gabisonfire commented 4 months ago

I'd prefer another compose file to keep consistent with what's core and what's an "addon". Commenting out is not really a "clean" solution in itself. You can still sort of bundle them using -f (which you might want to specify as well) docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f caddy.yaml

ben-2357 commented 4 months ago

I'd prefer another compose file to keep consistent with what's core and what's an "addon". Commenting out is not really a "clean" solution in itself. You can still sort of bundle them using -f (which you might want to specify as well) docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f caddy.yaml

I didn't even know that you could specify compose files like that lol. Should I add an entry in the "Run the project" section to start both compose files with the command you specified?

Gabisonfire commented 4 months ago

Should I add an entry in the "Run the project" section to start both compose files with the command you specified?

Good idea!

Gabisonfire commented 4 months ago

@ben-2357 Don't you want to still mention the domain change in the Caddy file?

ben-2357 commented 4 months ago

@ben-2357 Don't you want to still mention the domain change in the Caddy file?

Yeah. Sorry if I'm I'm not doing things right. I haven't really used git that much for anything lol.