knightcrawler-stremio / knightcrawler

A selfhosted Stremio addon
Apache License 2.0
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Add longer timeout for DMM #218

Closed FunkeCoder23 closed 4 days ago

FunkeCoder23 commented 1 month ago

Closes #217

Adds a 10 minute timeout, instead of default 100s

d3mystified commented 1 month ago

Build fails:

5.060 /src/producer/src/Features/Crawlers/Dmm/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs(12,20): error CS1061: 'HttpClient' does not contain a definition for 'timeout' and no accessible extensi
on method 'timeout' accepting a first argument of type 'HttpClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [/src/producer/src/Producer.csproj]
5.060 /src/producer/src/Features/Amqp/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs(23,65): warning CS8604: Possible null reference argument for parameter 'entityName' in 'void IMessageTopologyCon
figurator<IngestTorrent>.SetEntityName(string entityName)'. [/src/producer/src/Producer.csproj]
d3mystified commented 1 month ago

Confirmed works:

02:13:58 [Information] [Producer.Features.Crawlers.Dmm.DMMFileDownloader] Downloading DMM Hashlists
02:15:37 [Information] [Producer.Features.Crawlers.Dmm.DMMFileDownloader] Extracting DMM Hashlists to "/tmp/DMMHashlists"