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Fix processing of non-exact `movie` and `tv` ingested torrents #80

Closed FunkeCoder23 closed 5 months ago

FunkeCoder23 commented 5 months ago

Consumers only process where the cat is exactly movies or tv, so external db's need to be coerced into this format

See #78

NebKi commented 5 months ago

I think I have a fix for this, but I'm having trouble understanding the workflow and purpose of the ingested_torrents and torrents table in the database.

In the torrents table I see no tv category, only series and no movies but movie. In the ingested_torrents there is no movie or series. Which table is actually being used for the availability/real-time search check? Is there any renaming going on for the non-imported entries?

Should the categories be aligned? So only tv and movie or series and movie for both tables?

And I'm wondering, these non movies and tv entries which are not processed do show up as processed (t) in my ingested_torrents table. Does it just label it as processed, even though it didn't? If we put those to f will they be requeued for processing?

FunkeCoder23 commented 5 months ago

Sorry, I had made a fix last night but forgot to actually make the PR. Linked the issue now

FunkeCoder23 commented 5 months ago

And I'm wondering, these non movies and tv entries which are not processed do show up as processed (t) in my ingested_torrents table. Does it just label it as processed, even though it didn't? If we put those to f will they be requeued for processing?

Yeah, processed will just stop the consumers from picking it up again, doesn't necessarily mean anything was found, so setting them false should allow the consumers to reprocess