Closed bhillmann closed 7 years ago
After following the directions to get shi7en set up, I tried to run using the following commands: 1) $ shi7en -i /panfs/roc/data_release/0/umgc/sadowsky/miseq/161028_M00262_0137_000000000-APB42_Analysis/ -o /panfs/roc/scratch/staleyc/byron/ssg/ --no_combine_fasta 2) $ shi7en -i /panfs/roc/data_release/0/umgc/sadowsky/miseq/161028_M00262_0137_000000000-APB42_Analysis/ -o /panfs/roc/scratch/staleyc/byron/ssg/ --no_combine_fasta --adaptor Nextera 3) $ shi7en -i /panfs/roc/data_release/0/umgc/sadowsky/miseq/161028_M00262_0137_000000000-APB42_Analysis/ -o /panfs/roc/scratch/staleyc/byron/ssg/ --no_combine_fasta --adaptor Nextera --debug
In all instances, the software seemed to run fine, but output fasta files with no data (0kb). The most recent log file is attached. ninja_shi7.txt
There should be a temp folder in the output directory that you specified.
cd /panfs/roc/scratch/staleyc/byron/ssg/temp
Can you look in the folder.
cd /panfs/roc/scratch/staleyc/byron/ssg/temp/flash
And verify that the FASTQs still have data?
head <sample_name>.fastq
The fastq files in /flash/ still have data, but the ones in /trimmer/ do not.
You should have permission to look at all the files in the scratch directory.
Thank you Chris, can you wait until tomorrow?
@GabeAl @kaiweiang Tomorrow morning at the shi7en meeting we should be able to debug this with the exact in and out files. Looks like it is related to the piping of files from flash to shi7en.
No problem. Thanks for the help.
It turns out (we think) your shizen trimmer wasn't added to your PATH environmental variable. Even if it's directly in your script folder and you call it, UNIX (Linux and Mac) can't run the program without the "./" in front of the name unless it's in your PATH.
We're adding instructions to the readme to let folks know how to actually accomplish this (basically you add a line to your .bashrc pointing to the folder containing shi7en trimmer).
I downloaded the updated trimmer and set the path in the bashrc file and I now have fasta files that have data. Thanks!
Great, I'm glad that it worked.
Do you know what the average insert size between paired end reads where? Stitching can be tough for shotgun reads.
Output to the log file is not being properly recorded for the shi7en_trimmer causing a silent failure. This causes the pipeline to write blank output files.