knightsc / USBApp

A small test app that tries to load a USBDriverKit system extension
MIT License
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'MyUserUSBInterfaceDriver.h' file not found #2

Open jdoddonset opened 4 years ago

jdoddonset commented 4 years ago

In file MyUserUSBInterfaceDriver.cpp, I get the message the the corresponding header file, MyUserUSBInterfaceDriver.h, cannot be found. And I have looked for it but don't see it myself.

I am trying to figure out how to change a USB driver based on IOKit and using a codeless Kext that allows USB access in a Java program to use DriverKit and System Extensions since Kernel Extensions will not be allowed in future versions of macOS 10.15.x.

Thank you for creating this example. It's the only one I can find anywhere!

jzlka commented 4 years ago

The header file is generated by the IIG tool during the build process (check the other issue). KEXTs generally are not deprecated, just ones with equivalents at SYSX.

As a codeless KEXT is technically not a driver, but some kind of a trampoline to another driver, I think it will not deprecate -- it is all about the Info.plist file not I/O Kit or other KPI.

jdoddonset commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this information. I appreciate it.