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Need consistent URL string for view_mode #183

Open DennoCoil opened 7 years ago

DennoCoil commented 7 years ago

(I feel stupid I didn't see this first on Knighty's page before messaging him. Reposting the PM I sent.)

TL;DR - Can you add to the URL string whenever someone is on the site, which view modes and pages you are on consistently?

I do have a minor feature request\bug to help with my book reading program, Calibre. There's an addon for it that's well supported called FanFicFare that's available for it. (The author is very active and is on this thread almost every day updating it. ) The problem is FanFicFare doesn't support downloading group stories or whole bookshelves, only the generated page they have links on. (It's a generic scraper with individual custom modules for each fic site.) If I have a LOT of books on a bookshelf and wish to add them to Calibre, I can use the 60 story view mode for just the first page, but the subsequent pages are reset to 12 stories per page. The reason is I can do it for the first page with a URL like this:

FanFicFare accepts and reads the 60 stories in it from that custom view mode, but only on the first page. As soon as I turn to the other page, the URL resets and turns into this.

Which puts it back onto the 12 page view_mode. I try adding ?view_mode=1 to various parts of the string on any page other than the first, and I get a 500 - Internal Server Error. With that, 1/6 of the possible stories I could add from my bookshelf is a time consuming chore.

I'd like to have the specific view modes become consistent between page URL strings on the bookshelf so FanFicFare can read and download a lot of stories appropriately without receiving a 500 error, like this:

Lithl commented 7 years ago


This query string means page = "2?view_mode=1". Which is not a number, so the server doesn't know what page to give you.

You want ?page=2&view_mode=1, which means page = "2", view_mode = "1".

If the view_mode is resetting between pages, that's still a problem, but if you construct the query string correctly, at least you should be able to avoid code 500 errors.

DennoCoil commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I've only studied C++ and Python, and never looked into PHP. (That language looks like a bastard child between C and Java.) I've tried the string you've posted and it actually works. It doesn't show up in the URL when clicking on links, so it's still technically a minor bug that only very few would notice.

Just for reference, it looks like this properly:

Lithl commented 7 years ago

Query strings have nothing to do with php. It's part of the URI specification in RFC 3986.

DennoCoil commented 7 years ago

Then why does the string show up like that in the browser?