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Add a CSV export option to the story statistics. #430

Open RandamuMaki opened 2 months ago

RandamuMaki commented 2 months ago

Right now there are a number of statistics which are being kept within the site's database. These statistics are overly simple and barely usable for metrics to see how your stories are doing. This has been reported before in issue #93 from 2017.

If there could be a way for these statistics to be exported as a CSV then each user could use their own understanding of spreadsheets to collate the data over time depending on how they imagine it, leaving the option open to simplify the system on the website and reduce overhead from loading the graphs for the entire duration of a story's existence on the site.

Just limit the graphs to the past 30 days with an option to download a CSV of the full range of data per story and most people would be well-served already to see engagement upon fresh uploads of stories and/or new chapters. Those who need a longer range could then work with the CSV locally.

Adding a selector for the range of data to be downloaded would be an extra option to consider to aid useability of such a system.