kno20205 / indoor-wayfinder

Interactive SVG map with indoor wayfinding powered by React
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How can i make i map like yours #3

Closed TsengelBair closed 6 days ago

TsengelBair commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I'm doing a graduation project (indoor navigation on cruise lainer). Could you explain me, how can i make paths (edges) like yours? The main difficulty lies in the edges, they must be broken so that the route does not go in a straight line, now i've got something like this hmROnhsBwxA

May be you have some guide, how to make a map in Adobe and implement it into react? Thank you)

kno20205 commented 1 week ago

I tried using Adobe Illustrator to create maps, but it wasn't very good for transferring the map to a React app. I drew circles for the map's points and connected them with lines just for visual effect. To use the map in my app, I wrote a script to change the circles' coordinates from the SVG file into JSON format. I manually defined the connections between points afterward. I planned to add a custom map editor to make this easier, but because of other projects, this won't happen soon.

TsengelBair commented 6 days ago

Thank you very much) I've done it in Figma like SVG, to make edges broken i added intermediate vertices