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Could we have ES module entry point to support pika/web? #95

Open corlaez opened 5 years ago

corlaez commented 5 years ago

I was asked to raise this issue here as well

Hello, I am not aware how hard this could be to implement but I want to know if it is possible to have ES modules.

The reason I am asking is that there is this new pika/web project that I wanted to use along knockout but it requires ES modules entry.

pika web: knockout doesn't seem supported

brianmhunt commented 5 years ago

I believe TKO supports ES modules in the desired way. You would consume them much the way the @tko/build.reference/index.js imports and builds the standalone library.

mattlacey commented 6 months ago

I realise this response is years too late, but for anyone else finding it ES modules do work, I used them in this template a couple of years back: