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Add index.html to changeset after git pre-hook modifications #72

Closed rosskukulinski closed 10 years ago

rosskukulinski commented 10 years ago

Refs #69

Update git pre-commit hook to automatically add modified index.html to the change set.

For those of you not familiar with grunt (I wasn't 12 hours ago), you can test by:

Install grunt and install (or update) git pre-commit hook

> npm install -g grunt-cli
> grunt
Running "install-hooks" task

Done, without errors.

Make changes to

> git add
> git commit -m "My small change"
[pre-commit 9f9251d] My small change
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)

If you look at your git history you should see the updated index.html has also been committed.

cc: @gergelyke @hackygolucky

gergelyke commented 10 years ago
