knopkem / dicomweb-proxy

A proxy to translate between dicomweb and traditional dicom dimse services (PACS communication)
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Include more than one DIMSE sources #56

Closed albertosaez closed 2 years ago

albertosaez commented 2 years ago

How could be possible to include more than one DIMSE sources ?

The idea is that the proxy allow to search across different Q/R DICOM nodes, and answers back the first match.

knopkem commented 2 years ago

While currently not possible, this is rather trivial to implement. There are then two ways of representing the result. a) merged results from all sources (this should merge studies/series of the same patient across multiple sources. This becomes a challenge if the patient id is different b) group by AET - all results are split, no merge needed. Workflow wise approach a) is usually nicer - as the user usually doesn't care about the source b) is cleaner from a technical standpoint. I'll try to implement this, as it's a nice extension (and I've done this in the past already)

albertosaez commented 2 years ago

I'm glad you find it interesting.

As this is a "proxy" I think the ideal woluld be (a), but allwasy respecting the PatiendID + PatientID issuer.

But how you plan to deal with multiple machings ? What do do when a match is present in more than one source-repository ?

In my specific scenario, we have a "legacy repository (> 4 years old studies)" and a fresh one, if searching for a patient you could find resutls (even the same studies) in both respositories. Which one to return ? the first one ? The one with more intances ? ....

knopkem commented 2 years ago

It's indeed a bit trickier than I thought as the choice of AET cannot be controlled (the proxy doesn't control the client). However this is how I plan to do it:

Let me know if you see any Problems with this or if it doesn't fit your use-case Cheers

albertosaez commented 2 years ago

I think it's an excelent strategy. Very complete, and by sure it will fit this use-case.

knopkem commented 2 years ago

Hi @albertosaez, I pushed a new version 1.4.0 that includes merging of multiple peers. Note that the default.config has changed, notably become config.peers which now expect an array of nodes. Normal use with one peer should not behave different to before, while having multiple peers will be a bit slower as it:

albertosaez commented 2 years ago

Brutal ! Great news. Thanks,. I'll start testing it asap !

And Merry X-mas!!