Closed muuki88 closed 13 years ago
Win 7: {user.home}/AppData/Local/{application name}
Win XP: {user.home}/Application Data/{application name}
That's what we thought too. This is all a bit strange, as on Ubuntu the application folder is /home/{user}/ and not /home/{user}/Desktop.
Beside that the Windows 7 search wasn't able to find the medmon folder. Like it was created in a very special places. This needs truly some investigation.
"The \AppData folder & sub folders are not included in the indexed locations, due to the thousands of files that can reside there."
Derby has it's own system property which needs to be set. Needs testing if this doesn't fail with other applications running embedded derby.
Found the solution. As usual eclipse got some neat stuff: VM-Arguments: -Dderby.system.home=${system_property:user.home}${system_property:file.separator}".derby"
the $(system_property:
derby.system.home looks for me: /home/muki/.derby
Fixed in master
This also works if medmon is deployed and not only started in dev environments?
Yeah. This is the fancy part. Eclipse has it's own config.ini where application and JVM parameters are stored.
Look for placeholders for persistence.xml to set the embeddedDerby database directory correctly.
Current setting is
However the location for the folder "medmon" is different for each OS.
If it's not possible to set the directory via the persistence.xml, the EntityManagerFactory must be created programmtically. -> Look into Gemini JPA -> Look into Gemini DBAccess -> EntityManagerFactoryBuilderService
-> Maybe change IEntityManagerService in medic.core plugin.