Implement just the layout of this Wizard. Add as much pages as need
but less as possible.
Each TherapyResult must be linked to a Sensor, Data and Patient.
The wizard ensures that these requirements are fullfilled before the object
is stored inside the database.
Mockup will be available in Dropbox.
The QuickAnalyseWizard was the former implementation of this wizard.
Take a look, but not delete the class. This will be done after the
implementation ticket is resolved.
Implement just the layout of this Wizard. Add as much pages as need but less as possible.
Each TherapyResult must be linked to a Sensor, Data and Patient. The wizard ensures that these requirements are fullfilled before the object is stored inside the database.
Mockup will be available in Dropbox.
The QuickAnalyseWizard was the former implementation of this wizard. Take a look, but not delete the class. This will be done after the implementation ticket is resolved.