knowitall / openie

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Java heap space exception #30

Closed ROHITHKUMARN closed 5 years ago

ROHITHKUMARN commented 7 years ago

Hi When i am trying to execute the simple application that uses openie to extract relations its throwing "java heap space exception" can some1 help fix this bug

screen shot 2017-07-15 at 6 47 34 pm
ROHITHKUMARN commented 7 years ago

can some one help me fixing the issue

humehta commented 6 years ago

Can someone please help I am facing the same issue?

bhadramani commented 5 years ago

User adequate java options while building -J-Xmx2700M Thereafter -Xmx4g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC If using later versions may need -Xmx6g or -Xmx10g You should have RAM of size between 10GB - 16GB or more