knowitall / srlie

The SRL-based Open IE extractor. A principal component of Open IE 4.0.
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Arg2 can have no tokens when triplizing #6

Closed schmmd closed 11 years ago

schmmd commented 11 years ago

Many of the defendants were also ordered to forfeit sums of money ranging from $100,000 to $2,000,000 as proceeds of their unlawful drug trafficking activities.

schmmd commented 11 years ago

The n-ary extraction has an arg2 with just "to".

prep(Many_JJ_0_0, of_IN_1_5); pobj(of_IN_1_5, defendants_NNS_3_12); det(defendants_NNS_3_12, the_DT_2_8); nsubjpass(ordered_VBN_6_33, Many_JJ_0_0); auxpass(ordered_VBN_6_33, were_VBD_4_23); advmod(ordered_VBN_6_33, also_RB_5_28); prep(ordered_VBN_6_33, to_IN_7_41); punct(ordered_VBN_6_33, ._._27_159); pobj(to_IN_7_41, sums_NNS_9_52); amod(sums_NNS_9_52, forfeit_JJ_8_44); prep(sums_NNS_9_52, of_IN_10_57); partmod(sums_NNS_9_52, ranging_VBG_12_66); pobj(of_IN_10_57, money_NN_11_60); prep(ranging_VBG_12_66, from_IN_13_74); pobj(from_IN_13_74, 2,000,000_CD_18_92); prep(from_IN_13_74, as_IN_19_102); quantmod(2,000,000_CD_18_92, $_$_14_79); number(2,000,000_CD_18_92, 100,000_CD_15_80); quantmod(2,000,000_CD_18_92, to_TO_16_88); quantmod(2,000,000_CD_18_92, $_$_17_91); pobj(as_IN_19_102, proceeds_NNS_20_105); prep(proceeds_NNS_20_105, of_IN_21_114); pobj(of_IN_21_114, activities_NNS_26_149); nn(trafficking_NN_25_137, drug_NN_24_132); poss(activities_NNS_26_149, their_PRP$_22_117); amod(activities_NNS_26_149, unlawful_JJ_23_123); nn(activities_NNS_26_149, trafficking_NN_25_137)

order_6.01:[A1=Many_0, AM-DIS=also_5, A2=to_7]
range_12.01:[A1=sums_9, A3=from_13, A4=to_16]

hierarchical frames:
order.01:[A1=Many, AM-DIS=also, A2=to]
range.01:[A1=sums, A3=from, A4=to]

0.88: (Many of the defendants; were ordered; to forfeit sums of money)
0.80: (forfeit sums of money; ranging; from $100,000; to)

(Many of the defendants; were ordered to; forfeit sums of money)
(forfeit sums of money; ranging from; $100,000)
(forfeit sums of money; ranging to; )
schmmd commented 11 years ago
