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Project Epic: Find the heart of 3D Knowledge Printer #16

Open avidrucker opened 3 years ago

avidrucker commented 3 years ago
avidrucker commented 3 years ago
avidrucker commented 3 years ago

@seekanddefine Please kindly share what kind of puzzle pieces you feel are appropriate / relevant to replace the "chunk" actionable items above 😉

seekanddefine commented 3 years ago

Chunk 1 Notes on XDSD Is Your Team Extreme Enough (Yegor Bugayenko, USA) XP Days video.

Initial Review, Thoughts, Notes, Reflections

Preview: Fuck. I may have just learned the true meaning of code in this video. #mindblown #sitdownforthisone #wowImsobadatthis #whyisntsubvertlyaword? 

The fun makes sense starting at 9:04.


Sidenote: Accidentally clicked out of the bulleting. Oops. I came up here for something but then forgot what. Should get back to this great video I keep watching over and over. It has totally changed how I think about code and learning to code, but also paints my prior experience with the last startup in a totally different light. It's fascinating. My mind is blown. If you want to understand #Github or #coding you have to watch this video. 

Pleasenote: I started watching this a couple times over the last week, but I never made it far enough in. 

LearnClojure #11 Make a project to learn Clojure. Turn issues into one hour chunks. #onehourchunks

This is fun. 

I'm having so much fun right now. It's beautiful to be caught in a moment that feels so much like the sunrise on your face when you think about it. I'm not sure this is part of coding at all, but it seemed import. 


Wow. I'm a stubborn one. How many times did I start watching that video and I never made it to the end of the first joke to realize that he was joking. 

Well that scared the pants off me. I tried to tab from up above and it jumped down to the Record a Loom button and them Loom started and a white screen covered up all my writing in Github and it gave me a panic that I was going to loose all my writing, such that I should probably think about saving this comment at this point so I stop worring about it. Then I guess I'll reopen the comment and try to edit it? Would that work? Still sounds risky. Better to take notes somewhere else? I don't think that I can fully participate in the spirit of #exploring coding and development without at least trying to #goallin to the spirit of Github being a single source of truth, and that means apply what I'm learning as I learn it and that means that if I'm writing notes that are too personal here that I should write them on my own Github @seekanddefine . Not really sure where that boundary is at this point. Good to think about. #Github 

Comeback here to investigate . #bug Once more I tried to make a reference to  #22. Oh. Got it. You have to ignore the popup and ignore whether it is blue, look at the number of the one you want to select and then type the number and once the cursor moves on it will become blue. 

Thinking about this now:

Still want to come back to the video. 

Notes on doc above:

Lots of words I don't know very well yet. 

(hash x)

\<(hash x

How to write code here to practice. 

<ctrl+e> codeshortcut Github plaintext box
ourname Knowledge for Good
Right now I want to learn to code Knowledge for Good and that is why I am working in this repo. 
Yay! I'm having so much fun being here. It's a dream come true. Oops.

Back to coding. 

Popped out of the text box. 

practice #shortcuts \<ctrl+e> my fingers don't like typing on this keyboard very much. I need a different keyboard environment and a better chair. I think I need to design one. I've tried so many things over the years and have never really found a perfect tool that exists yet. This would be a squat-to-stand desk. It would be lighweight and balanced to move with the touch of a finger as ideally my body should move from what I can tell, every 15-20 minutes to prevent chronic pain imbalance. I was thinking about attending this yoga teacher training with a man in India, but it started just a bit ago and I'm not sure I can keep up with the pace of both. I'd like to give it a try, but only so much as it supports this as my top priority. Eww. That sounds like old management lingo. Lots of things are better than that. One thing I know for sure is that transformations are tough. The toughest stuff. 

27 Smartest Persons in the World

Manahel Thabet (IQ: 168)

This Yemeni scientist, economist and consultant is a part of the top 0.1% of highest IQs of the world. She's also the youngest person and the only Arab to ever attain such distinction. She's won many awards, including UN's Humanitarian award. One brilliant woman she is!



Dude I remembered the shortcut. 

Ok now to figure the code snipper shortcut doesn't work.

Embedding a code snippet broken?

Aww yes. The content from Github came over so nicely here.

Ignore that. Wasn't helpful. What is strikethrough...#Movementbreak

I feel like a hashtag is a kind of cute baby code. Lost the cursor. Sheesh. Missed my sleep alarm. Having too much fun.

I hit \<crtl+e> and it took me to the chrome search. What I want is to insert code. I looked up above and it said the same thing but that short cut took me to search again. 


This is getting too long and I am tired and haven't eaten much yet today. Still need to finish the video. Will take a short movement break first and then. Use #MotivAider to remind me to move every 52 minutes. It buzzes and it's all about the vibration to help pull me out of a thought. Interesting.

Thinking of closing tabs. 

Hey, one thing I'm really looking forward to is the Liberating Structures workshop coming up!

must transition from an Object Oriented mindset to Functional Thinking

#question Is Clojure code id

possible name reasoning: It should reflect our single source of truth and that is Github right now. Our Github name is Knowledge for Good. I love it. It feels natural.

Why am I still typing in bold italics lol.

Time for sleep

Signing off

Linnea 11:26pm (trying to claim more awareness in concept of time passing didn't work too well today.)



Available since 1.0 (source)

Returns the hash code of its argument. Note this is the hash code consistent with =, and thus is different than .hashCode for Integer, Short, Byte and Clojure collections.

© Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. Eclipse Public License 1.0



user=> (hash "a") 1455541201 user=> (.hashCode "a")  ; notice that this is different than (hash "a") 97 user=> (hash 1) 1392991556 user=> (.hashCode 1)    ; notice that this is different than (hash 1) 1 user=> (hash nil) 0 user=> (hash [1 2 3]) 30817 user=> (hash [1 2 3 4]) 955331


;; In most cases, hash is _consistent_ with =, meaning that for two values x, y, ;; if (= x y), then (= (hash x) (hash y)).  This is a property of hash that ;; is relied upon for hash-based lookup of keys in maps and ;; elements in sets to work correctly. ;; There are some pairs of Java objects x, y where even though (= x y) is true, ;; (= (hash x) (hash y)) is _not_ true. ;; Search for the word "consistent" in this article for some categories of such ;; objects: ;; In particular, the section titled "Equality and hash": ;;

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Returns the value mapped to key, not-found or nil if key not present.



Returns the hash code, consistent with =, for an external ordered collection implementing Iterabl...



Returns the hash code, consistent with =, for an external unordered collection implementing Itera...


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CTO at

Chunk 2:

Chunk 3: (Proposal) The Fundamental Elements of Knowledge Exploration

Chunk 4:

avidrucker commented 3 years ago

I enjoyed reading your stream of consciousness notes @seekanddefine

avidrucker commented 3 years ago

My takeaways were:

  1. Chunking / micro-tasking allows for consistent steps forward
  2. "Improve the project", and that by investing in improving the project, the workers get their needs met and satisfy the client at an affordable cost (minimal to no burocratic costs)
  3. The project IS the "SSoT", cutting down on confusion about what is or isn't, who is assigned to what, etc.
  4. Compensation for a wide range of results/outcomes, but no compensation for "butts in seats"
  5. Communication is clear and consistent, and estimation is possible, when you have clear communication guidelines that are respected, and meaningful metrics based in granular complexity and experience, rather than compounded unknowns (SME or worker turnover, miscommunications of "he said she said")
seekanddefine commented 2 years ago

@avidrucker Could we chat about this one during our meeting tonight?

seekanddefine commented 2 years ago

Reopening to look at the mission of KFG as we invite our new collaborator to participate.