knowm / XChange

XChange is a Java library providing a streamlined API for interacting with 60+ Bitcoin and Altcoin exchanges providing a consistent interface for trading and accessing market data.
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How to programmatically see the trading fees? #2619

Open datastorm1337 opened 6 years ago

datastorm1337 commented 6 years ago


Is there a way to programmatically see the trading fees for Bittrex and Binance exchanges? Is there a way to do it in general, for all of the exchanges?

For example, for Bittrex exchange, the trading fee is 0.25%. I am not sure how to check that through the code.

Hackertalkz commented 6 years ago

if I can learn to setup this bot, I might be able to write a code to do that. I was pretty good at c++ 10 years ago. I am just lost, since programming has realy advanced. Especially from only passing Adv C with only a C. I turned down NASA which was a hugh mistake. I accepted AT&T, and made really good money... Until I had to have a tumor removed from "inside my spinal cord". I eventually had to walk away from a job making $38/hr - 50 hrs per week. Doctor said due to pushing myself for only 5 years... my spinal cord had become "unstable".

So now I am trying to teach myself programming... Trying to get this bot to work Trying something just to pay the damn bills, they keep coming in. So if anyone in their heart can find just a few minutes to help me...
I will return the favor, even if its in bitcoin once I become stable financially. This is a promise. I have always wondered if you could integrate Visual Basic into C++ to get a nice GUI. I am sure there is a way... hell isn't that is how most applications are designed anyways? I am a quick study, and programming has to now be my passion. It use to be working outside. Even if I have to take classes on Udemy, to learn what I must... I will prevail! You may contact me by texting at 1-985-445-7748. I do speak English BTW. My name is Stephen, and I could really love someone to help me. Thanks Sincerely!

roeiba commented 6 years ago



CurrencyPairMetaData pairMetaData = exchange.getExchangeMetaData().getCurrencyPairs().get(pair);
BigDecimal tradingFee = pairMetaData.getTradingFee();