knowm / XChange

XChange is a Java library providing a streamlined API for interacting with 60+ Bitcoin and Altcoin exchanges providing a consistent interface for trading and accessing market data.
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XChange 4.0.0 Wishlist #933

Closed timmolter closed 8 years ago

timmolter commented 9 years ago

1. Check that no implementations are leaking exchange-specific Exceptions ( See #1233) 1. Create builders for all generic DTOs (most have a builder) 1. Figure out metadata and init() solution 1. Remove deprecated code

  1. Look at TODOs
rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

How about changing cancelOrder return type to void?

mmazi commented 9 years ago

What's the timeframe for releasing 4.0.0? I'd like to contribute some things that I'd like to see improved, but need to set some time aside to do it.

EDIT: here's my list (will be adding issues as they come to mind):

  1. Improve the Exchange and ExchangeSpecification creation/config API (String class name parameter, set/apply/default specification methods) (I'll open a separate issue or create a PR to clarify)
  2. Make the generic API consistent in terms of the currency pair (#1068)
  3. Clearly describe the semantics of the parameters and return values of the generic methods and fields of generic DTOs, where this is still missing
  4. PollingTradeService.cancelOrder should probably be void and always throw an exception on error.
  5. Unified and well-defined exception API (#1233)
  6. Merge TradeHistoryParamOffset and TradeHistoryParamPaging. Unify the Integer/Long param type discrepancies. Provide a default implementation that converts between limit+offset and page+pageLength. Document 0- or 1-based indexing.
  7. Include some standard json serializers/deserializers, eg. for Currency (eg. XBT <-> BTC), CurrencyPair (to support different formats like BTCUSD, btc_usd, USD/BTC etc.), Order.OrderType etc.
  8. Review date parsing, especially time zones (eg. Bitstamp's implementation is incorrect -- my fault).
timmolter commented 9 years ago

I don't have a time frame in mind. Definitely not in the next month or two. Some time afterwards hopefully though.

jheusser commented 9 years ago

Connectivity methods are becoming more varied between exchanges and sometimes it would be nice to implement an exchange using a combination of various methods, e.g. websocket for market data, execution through market data but poll open orders or similar.

timmolter commented 9 years ago

Another one: I was also thinking about renaming the timestamp variable to serverTimestamp to make it more obvious. Also add a note about it in the README file.

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

@jheusser I'm not sure if I understand your issue with the polling interfaces. We can use exchange's request/response or publish/subscribe interfaces, each style has dedicated set of xchange interfaces - polling or streaming. Am I missing something? Are you talking about emulating one with another?

supraniti commented 9 years ago

How about FIX API support for okcoin & huobi market & trades

douggie commented 9 years ago

Exchange simulator and or mocking to test offline

douggie commented 9 years ago

Generic instrument support. Currently things are assumed to be currency pairs. More derivatives and comming into the exchanges with additional params. Maybe we should have a generic instrument class that has a type of say currency,future,swap etc, and a given type has a defined set of fields,and each exchange can be passed the type of instrument.

douggie commented 9 years ago

Generic protocol support-current majority of exchanges are json based,some have fix. Over time I expect things like binary protocols to minimise the marshalling,such as blaze or fast over fix. May be we should have a standard connection interface and different connection implementations can be written as they come on line. For now we have fix and json.

radumiron commented 9 years ago

@douggie , there is a request to an Exchange simulator which is under development, see #747

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

@timmolter about timestamp vs serverTimestamp: you want to break compatibility just to add some information (improve descriptiveness). Why not just add or update javadocs?

timmolter commented 9 years ago

@rafalkrupinski That's definitely a valid argument, and I see where you're coming from. With a major version change there will be some API breaking changes anyway. Variable names should be named as descriptively as possible.

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

Ad 4 Remove deprecated code what is it? PollingTradeService.getTradeHistory(Object...) ? BasePollingService.getExchangeSymbols() ? Anything else?

timmolter commented 9 years ago

@rafalkrupinski I don't understand what you're asking. Please clarify.

baffo32 commented 8 years ago

hitbtc streaming api

belerweb commented 8 years ago

getTopAsks & xchange getTopBids

evdubs commented 8 years ago

Is 4.0 intended to be the next release? Have there been enough features added to warrant a 3.2 release while the 4.0 features are sorted out?

mmazi commented 8 years ago

I suggest a 3.x final release. Can we do this?

It's been a while since the last final release and I'd feel a bit better if I could use a fixed final version of the code when I need to use some of the features added in the last 8 months.

timmolter commented 8 years ago

OK, I'll put some work into it thgis weekend. I might just release 4.0.0, as I think most of the features are implemented and if not hopefully I can do them quickly enough.

crypto-sporidium commented 8 years ago

I agree with @jheusser, We need to probably re work the service interfaces so they are as generic as possible and independent of the underlying implementation, be it Poling, WebSocket or what ever may be available on some more advanced exchanges. So for example in the Exchange interface instead of getPolingTradeService, we want to have something like getExchagneServiceInstance(ExchangeSpecifications) in the beginning most exchanges would just be returning something that wraps and extends a PolingService implementation but in future when its supported you might get a websocket implementation back or what ever, The key here is really getting every thing we need in that interface.

baffo32 commented 8 years ago

@abelgo see also e.g. #1101 . I spent some time planning precisely out how to generalize xchange so as to allow all exchanges to use the same interface and enumerate available functionality, flexible enough to allow adapters between polling and streaming interfaces allowing services to be used in either way. I think I left this work at . I'm afraid I am not available to work on this further at this time, although I would love to finish it for pay. Generalizing these things would allow very powerful bots to be written that would really help stabilize the bitcoin market, and the profit created from the activity to be spread much more widely.