knownsec / Pocsuite

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add pocsuite console feature #73

Closed nixawk closed 8 years ago

nixawk commented 8 years ago

Try to add a powerful and interactive console,

$ ./ ./modules

                              ,--. ,--.
 ,---. ,---. ,---.,---.,--.,--`--,-'  '-.,---.  {}
| .-. | .-. | .--(  .-'|  ||  ,--'-.  .-| .-. :
| '-' ' '-' \ `--.-'  `'  ''  |  | |  | \   --.
|  |-' `---' `---`----' `----'`--' `--'  `----'

Pocsuite> help

Core Commands Menu (help <command> for details)
attack          conduncting attack
back            Move back from the current context
banner          Display an awesome framework banner
help            Show help menu
load            load specific poc file(s).
set             Set key equal to value
show            Show available options / modules
verify          conducting verification

Pocsuite> show pocs
{1: './modules/',
 2: './modules/'}
Pocsuite> load 2
[*] load poc file(s) success!
Pocsuite> set url
Pocsuite> attack
[07:18:53] [*] setting the HTTP timeout
[07:18:53] [*] checking dlink_command_php_exec_noauth
[07:18:53] [!] missing ['appPowerLink'] in dlink_command_php_exec_noauth
[07:18:53] [*] poc:'dlink_command_php_exec_noauth' target:''
[07:18:54] [-] poc-78176 'Multiple Vulnerabilities in D-Link DIR-600 and DIR-300' failed.
|       target-url      |            poc-name           | poc-id | component |     version      |  status  |
| | dlink_command_php_exec_noauth | 78176  |   D-Link  | DIR-300, DIR-600 | Error: n |
success : 0 / 1
ziflar commented 8 years ago

hello ;how to add poc modules

nixawk commented 8 years ago

@ziflar pocadd is a choice. When you need help, please enter help pocadd in the console.