knox-academy / webscraping

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More Full Stories #52

Open knox-academy opened 1 year ago

knox-academy commented 1 year ago

instructions: Please create full stories in gherkin format for these story title.

As a developer, I want to ensure that the website is secure and can handle large files to prevent any potential data breaches or crashes. As a project manager, I want to ensure that the development team is meeting the MVP requirements and delivering the project on time and within budget.

knox-academy commented 1 year ago

Colleague Response: Story: Website Security and Large File Handling As a developer, I want to ensure that the website is secure and can handle large files to prevent any potential data breaches or crashes so that our users can trust our platform and have a seamless experience.

Scenario: Uploading Large Files Given the user wants to upload a large file When the user selects the file and clicks upload Then the file should be uploaded without any errors And the user should receive a confirmation message

Scenario: Ensuring Website Security Given the website is live When a user enters sensitive information Then the information should be encrypted and stored securely And the system should be able to detect and prevent any potential security breaches

Story: Meeting MVP Requirements and Delivering Project on Time and Within Budget As a project manager, I want to ensure that the development team is meeting the MVP requirements and delivering the project on time and within budget so that we can launch the product successfully and achieve our business goals.

Scenario: MVP Requirements Given the project requirements and user stories When the development team completes the MVP features Then the features should be tested and verified And any issues or bugs should be resolved before the launch date

Scenario: Project Timeline and Budget Given the project timeline and budget When the development team works on the project tasks Then the progress should be tracked and monitored regularly And any delays or budget overruns should be addressed and resolved promptly.