knpuniversity / oauth2-client-bundle

Easily talk to an OAuth2 server for social functionality in Symfony
MIT License
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redirect_uri in redirects' targetUrl not returning https #436

Open tacman opened 9 months ago

tacman commented 9 months ago

After too many hours of hacking, I discovered that the redirect that comes back is sometimes using http, not https.

Curiously, for me it's happening on production, but not locally.

Here's my solution, but surely there's a better way.

        $client = $this->clientRegistry->getClient($clientKey); // key used in config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
        $redirect = $client->redirect($scopes[$clientKey] ?? [], ['state' => $client->getOAuth2Provider()->getState()]);
        // assert(str_starts_with('https://', $redirect->getTargetUrl());
        $redirect->setTargetUrl(str_replace('http%3A', 'https%3A', $redirect->getTargetUrl()));
        return $redirect;
bocharsky-bw commented 9 months ago

Hey @tacman , isn't the target URL is something that should be specified on the third-party provider side? I.e. in the GitHub/Facebook/Google app configuration? To me it sounds like you specify redirect URL with http instead of https that might be kind of OK if we're talking about debugging/development. Or could please link to the code where we force this http on our side?

tacman commented 9 months ago

I'll dig in some more to reproduce it. I'm just setting the path, but it looks like it should return https.

Question: What do you use to test logging in with google? I can't put https://oauth-demo.wip in as the redirect URL, so I probably need to set up some sort of proxy that redirects to my local machine.

bocharsky-bw commented 9 months ago

Ngrok should help with forwarding a temporary real URL to your localhost app - that's good for debugging and development, but there're also many alternatives to ngrok over the internet.

tacman commented 9 months ago

Thanks. No matter what I do, I can't get login with Google to work.

Using ngrok, I get through authorizing my account, then when it redirects back, I get

Error fetching OAuth credentials: "redirect_uri_mismatch".

The ngrok logs

GET /auth/connect/controller/google 403 Forbidden                                                                                                                                             
GET /auth/social_login/google       200 OK                                                                                                                                                    
GET /auth/social_login/google       500 Internal Server Error 

The PHP logs

[Application] Feb 25 16:53:29 |DEBUG  | APP    Notified event "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\LoginFailureEvent" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EventListener\RememberMeListener::clearCookie". event="Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\LoginFailureEvent" listener="Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\EventListener\\RememberMeListener::clearCookie"
[Application] Feb 25 16:53:29 |DEBUG  | SECURI The "Survos\AuthBundle\Security\Authenticator" authenticator set the response. Any later authenticator will not be called authenticator="Survos\\AuthBundle\\Security\\Authenticator"
[PHP        ] [Sun Feb 25 10:53:29 2024] [403]: GET /auth/connect/controller/google?state=d0223926fa02e06844a7ebdb4cc29556&code=4%2F0AeaYSHD_Bgaedg32IMV_wzsCtCmDHgn3GfPNhDH0_7ymuoNIxh-EOXik6AVCugeLWfwBeA&
[PHP        ] [Sun Feb 25 10:53:29 2024] Closing
[Web Server ] Feb 25 10:53:29 |WARN   | SERVER GET  (403) /auth/connect/controller/google?state=d0223926fa02e06844a7ebdb4cc29556&code=4%2F0AeaYSHD_Bgaedg32IMV_wzsCtCmDHgn3GfPNhDH0_7ymuoNIxh-EOXik6AVCugeLWfwBeA& ip=""


Alas, I'm stuck and don't know how to debug this. It's not making it to "connect", as I have a dd() there, so it must be generating that error within a listener.

                                Any suggestions?  Or even pointing me to a working github repo, I'll clone it and add my own keys just to get something to work. 


tacman commented 9 months ago

I think I've figured it out. Related to

Once I added TRUSTED_PROXIES, not only did I get the debug toolbar but my redirect was correct and I logged in locally as expected!

tacman commented 9 months ago

After an embarrassingly long time investigating, the issue is somewhere in here, AbstractProvider.php

    public function createProvider($class, array $options, ?string $redirectUri = null, array $redirectParams = [], array $collaborators = [])
        if (null !== $redirectUri) {
            $redirectUri = $this->generator
                ->generate($redirectUri, $redirectParams, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);

            $options['redirectUri'] = $redirectUri;

The generator at this point is CompiledUrlGenerator, which generates http rather than https.

Any suggestions?

tacman commented 9 months ago

My solution is to force https

     * Creates a provider of the given class.
     * @param string $class
    public function createProvider($class, array $options, ?string $redirectUri = null, array $redirectParams = [], array $collaborators = [])
        if (null !== $redirectUri) {
            $redirectUri = $this->generator
                ->generate($redirectUri, $redirectParams, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
            $redirectUri = str_replace('http:','https:', $redirectUri);

            $options['redirectUri'] = $redirectUri;

        return new $class($options, $collaborators);

There's likely a better way, but I don't know what it is.