knuckleswtf / scribe

Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.✍
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Collection with formdata malformed for API #881

Open KriKrus opened 3 months ago

KriKrus commented 3 months ago

Scribe version


PHP version




Framework version


Scribe config

title => "xxx API Dokumentation"
auth.enabled => true
auth.default => true => "Authorization"
logo => "logo.svg"
examples.faker_seed => 1234
strategies.headers => added [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
        'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'im-client-type' => 'app',
        'im-app-version' => '2024.08.14',
        'im-device-id' => 'id123',
]: removed [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
        'Accept' => 'application/json',

What happened?

The Command generates the postman collection and I want to upload it to the postman api using the put api, but the request gets rejected because of a validation failure.

The problem is following json part in a formdata request:

    "key": "size",
    "value": 84,
    "type": "text",
    "description": ":Attribute muss mindestens 0 sein."

which is generated from following rules of a form request:

    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'size' => ['required', 'numeric', 'min:0'],

Postman rejects the file, because the form data is set to type "text", but the value is an integer. Can the generation of the collection respect the type? I think the change needs to be made in the PostmanCollectionWriter in getFormDataParams, if its not type file always cast the value to a string?


shalvah commented 3 months ago

Good catch. Could you send in a PR to fix?

KriKrus commented 2 months ago

Hey, sorry for the late response. I was on vacation and had a lot todos. Yes, i can try to send a PR in the following weeks.