knurling-rs / defmt

Efficient, deferred formatting for logging on embedded systems
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[defmt-test] Not possible to show location of test functions in stdout logger #820

Open mhatzl opened 3 months ago

mhatzl commented 3 months ago


With the changes introduced in PR #765 it is not possible to show the location of test functions with the stdout logger. Only (<test nr>/<nr of tests>) running <fn name> ... will be printed.


Since PR #765, prints are not formatted and only the print message is output to stdout. See commit 431fb80 for the changes that caused this behavior.

According to PR #765, the decision to not format print statements was intentional. The problem is that defmt-test uses println! to log the start of a test function (see This log is not really useful without location information in my opinion.

Expected Solution

Display location information for test functions as shown in the README of defmt-test.

$ cargo test --lib
(1/1) running `it_works`...
└─ app::unit_tests::__defmt_test_entry @ src/
all tests passed!
└─ app::unit_tests::__defmt_test_entry @ src/
(HOST) INFO  device halted without error

Possible Fix

The easiest fix might be to use the info level instead of println to log the start of a test function.

Urhengulas commented 3 months ago

I am not sure if we should add the path. The normal cargo test runner does not either.

mhatzl commented 3 months ago

This is also fine for me. In that case the screenshots/samples should be updated, because I thought something was wrong in my setup.