knurling / ServiceStation

Service Station
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add support for hidden folders and dotfiles #65

Open kleerkoat opened 2 years ago

kleerkoat commented 2 years ago

noticed that we can't make any rules that cover dotfiles and hidden folders. as somebody that edits them all the time this would be a nice addition.

luckman212 commented 2 years ago

@pkamb I was also wondering about this. Hope you might have a few minutes to comment.

kleerkoat commented 2 years ago

yeah, it would be a welcome addition.

gilby101 commented 2 years ago

You may not have noticed (because it still works), this seems to be abandonware - sad.

gingerbeardman commented 2 years ago

That's arguable because:

abandonware: computer software that is no longer distributed or supported by the developer or copyright holder.

It is still distributed, and as you say it still works. It's the developer's decision whether or not they choose to engage and add features - entitled.