knutwurst / Marlin-2-0-x-Anycubic-i3-MEGA-S

Marlin 2.0.x Version for Anycubic i3 MEGA M/S/P/X/CHIRON and 4MAX with Anycubic TFT or the "new" DGUS Clone TFT - Now also with BLTouch!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with calling the M600 command again #490

Closed EnableDevice closed 3 months ago

EnableDevice commented 1 year ago

Bug Description


When using the M600 command, the "Continue" button appears on the screen only on the first call. If there are two plastic changes in the code, then for the second time the “Pause” and “Stop” buttons are present on the screen. And further printing is impossible.

UPD: I experimented. It turned out that it wasn't even a matter of sending the command again. In most cases, the M600 will display “Pause” and “Stop” on the screen when sending. In this case, the plastic is unloaded correctly, it beeps with a buzzer, but does not allow printing to continue, since there is no button "Continue". Only once was it possible to continue printing. And it is unknown why this happened.

Printer: Mega S (first generation with Anycubic 1.0 display).

Additional Information

As I understand it, this is a known problem, since another author found this in releases: "Fixed M600 issue where the screen only showed continue on the first time it was called, not on any further calls".

knutwurst commented 11 months ago

Good finding. This might be a bug. I'll take a look. Thanks!

EnableDevice commented 11 months ago

Hello, Oliver.

This issue occurred in build "MEGA_S_v1.5.2". I'll attach a photo of what the display should have looked like during a normal pause, and what it actually looked like. Now I have installed TMC drivers, 3DTouch and rebuilt the firmware. I'll see how the printer behaves now.

IMG_20230921_220155 IMG_20230921_214551

EnableDevice commented 11 months ago

I conducted a series of experiments and found out an interesting thing! The M600 command is not just executed once in the code, it is executed once at all! That is, if after flashing the firmware you run the code with this command, it will be executed! The plastic is unloaded, the printer beeps, and the Pause button changes to a Continue button. And you can continue printing. But if you run this code again, the Pause button will not change to a Continue button. At the same time, the plastic is also unloaded, the hotend is parked and the printer beeps. And when you press pause, this is the reaction. Now you can only stop printing. And most importantly, turning off the printer does not produce any results. The M600 command is used only once. :)

IMG_20231012_153758 IMG_20231012_153804

EnableDevice commented 11 months ago

So the M600 command got back to work. :) Some kind of floating problem, I can’t understand the pattern yet. I'm monitoring the terminal to see what's being transmitted...

UPD; No, it doesn't work again. I checked it on a test file, everything works as expected. I ran the big print and after three hours everything stopped. :((( At the same time, everything is fine in the logs.

ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:paused
ПОЛУЧЕНО: echo:busy: processing
busy: processing
ПОЛУЧЕНО: X:10.00 Y:210.00 Z:20.00 E:-3.92 Count X:800 Y:16800 Z:8000
ПОЛУЧЕНО: echo:Insert filament and send M108
Insert filament and send M108
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_end
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_begin Nozzle Parked
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_button Continue
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_show
ПОЛУЧЕНО: echo:busy: paused for user
busy: paused for user

Then the heating turned off after a timeout. At the same time, nothing changed on the display.

Send M108 to heat nozzle
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_end
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_begin Heater Timeout
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_button Reheat
ПОЛУЧЕНО: //action:prompt_show
ПОЛУЧЕНО: echo:busy: paused for user
busy: paused for user
ПОЛУЧЕНО: echo:busy: paused for user

UPD: Let me summarize everything I've done. I have a test file containing two M600 plastic replacements. I launched it, the first command worked (the “Continue” button appeared), but on the second command this button did not appear, the screen remained the same. It was impossible to continue printing. I stopped printing and ran the same file again. Now the first command to change the plastic did not work. I launched it again, and again the plastic was simply unloaded, but the continue button did not appear. I ran it again and now BOTH commands worked! I ran it over and over again, both commands worked! I ran another file, which also had two plastic changes, and again only the first command worked. All the printing went into the trash bin. :( There is no pattern.

EnableDevice commented 11 months ago

While I'm poking around in the code, trying to understand why the printer behaves this way, I need to print. And I found a way where all plastic changes are processed correctly. This is printing via OctoPrint. Yes, it's a crutch, but it works. :)

2023-10-13_00-12-03 2023-10-13_00-23-54

maxpd1 commented 10 months ago

Same finding: tried a print with 2 filament changes. The one and the same GCode behave always different.

Either it does not start at all after it is up to temperature or

the pause button does not change to continue when changing the filament or

after a continue, it does not start again, heats only 10 degrees too high, then 10 degrees too low, always alternating or

the temperature display changes to 0 and it cools down completely.

A resume is also not possible, as the target temperature is always 0.

apmyp1990 commented 8 months ago

While I'm poking around in the code, trying to understand why the printer behaves this way, I need to print. And I found a way where all plastic changes are processed correctly. This is printing via OctoPrint. Yes, it's a crutch, but it works. :)

2023-10-13_00-12-03 2023-10-13_00-23-54

How did you get the color change working in octoprint?

EnableDevice commented 8 months ago

apmyp1990, just a file launched for printing via OctoPrint normally executes the M600 command. The printing stops, the plastic is unloaded and the “Continue” button appears. After pressing it, printing continues as expected.


apmyp1990 commented 8 months ago

@EnableDevice I have printed via octoprint, but there was no message from the printer. Maybe not in the app, I will try again and have a look via browser. Maybe I missed it there - looking from a smortphone xD

EnableDevice commented 8 months ago

@apmyp1990 First of all, make sure that the code contains the M600 command on the desired layer. Some slicers insert it themselves, you just need to specify the layer, but I write it myself.

; layer 25, Z = 3.650
; feature inner perimeter
G1 Z3.650 F1002
uwetaz commented 4 months ago


I got exactly the same problem as user EnableDevice describes in detail (sporadic no continue button at M600 at nearly 50% of the print jobs). I have the same old school printer (Mega S with Anycubic 1.0 display) and use version 1.5.3. The problem also occurs sporadically with always exact same gcode file (I print some Transmission Distance Test Squares for HueForge where M600 is used). It makes no difference if the printer was switched off before the print or not.

Today I tried a successfull workaround after occuring the problem. After reading here that octoprints „Continue“ helped I read about Marlin M108. So I printed with active console (Pronterface; other terminal SW should also work; I tried TeraTerm) and there also M108 was mentioned („echo:Insert filament and send M108“). Sending M108 after filament change helps as work arround. So the FW does not freeze (cyclic echo does also not assume a freeze). But I have to connect via terminal program before the print. Connecting via terminal during print stops the job.

Perhaps it helps to isolate the problem a little bit: Also with sporadic occurence: The display content at the end of print job is also not correct. The end G-code (from wiki here) let the printer beep and normally on display a separate grey summarize window with „ok“ Button cames up with „Printing done took xyz…“. Also in 50% of jobs the mask does no occure after the beeps. If I pressing the STOP button on display and confirm with yes the summarize window occurs. But there seems no dependency if the mentioned M600 problem occured before or not.

Also I observed in case of the problem with M600 the nozzle temperature cames from a higer value (210 instead 200 as usual).

Another problem (It seems not have any influence): Preheat stops after disconnecting pronterface. If I select preheat via menu after disconnecting the set values came only some seconds and after that they reset to Zero. If I connect pronterface again and select preheat via printer menu it works. If I restart the printer it always works.

How can I help to isolate the problem? As revenge to Olivers great work I could spend some time to the issue. For faster way of me we also could exchange private messages in german. Shall I insert some debug messages into the code or measure at display interface? Is there any good description somewere about the display? I read somewhere about that it sends G-codes to the mainboard. In the meantime I will dig into the code or print a simple cube and test if triggered filament sensor (for easy and fast M600) can provoke the same issue. I could also test some code changes if someone has any bug fix idea (e.g. via git diff file).

Regards Uwe

uwetaz commented 4 months ago

Here I post terminal output in bad and good case of not occured Contiunue button. But it seems not containing enough details. 1) not occured continue button at M600 echo:Now fresh file: tdsqua\~1.gco File opened: tdsqua~1.gco Size: 175248 File selected //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:resume //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Resuming SD //action:prompt_button Dismiss //action:prompt_show //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Heating... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification E1 Heating... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode echo:Bed Leveling ON echo:Fade Height OFF //action:paused echo:Insert filament and send M108 //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Nozzle Parked //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user m108 SENDING:M108 //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Purging... //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show //action:prompt_end //action:notification Print Paused //action:resumed //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Cooling... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Cooling... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification 20m 18s echo:Print time: 20m 18s Done printing file //action:cancel //action:notification Print Aborted echo: cold extrusion prevented

2) occured continue button at M600 echo:Now fresh file: tdsqua~1.gco File opened: tdsqua\~1.gco Size: 175248 File selected //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:resume //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Resuming SD //action:prompt_button Dismiss //action:prompt_show //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Heating... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode echo:Bed Leveling ON echo:Fade Height OFF //action:paused echo:Insert filament and send M108 //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Nozzle Parked //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user //action:notification Print Paused //action:resume //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Purging... //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show //action:prompt_end //action:notification Print Paused //action:resumed //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:resume //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Cooling... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification Bed Cooling... //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification TD Square v1.3.gcode //action:notification 19m 27s echo:Print time: 19m 27s Done printing file //action:cancel //action:notification Print Aborted echo: cold extrusion prevented

uwetaz commented 4 months ago

Test with triggered filament sensor (for easy and fast M600) can provoke the same issue (sometime button occures sometime not). Trying to activate ANYCUBIC_LCD_DEBUG in code was not successfull. I built MEGA_S_TMC_BLT_11 on v1.5.3 Result: linker errors change: --- a/Marlin/Configuration.h +++ b/Marlin/Configuration.h @@ -3620,10 +3620,10 @@ // // Touch-screen LCD for Anycubic printers // -// #define ANYCUBIC_LCD_I3MEGA +#define ANYCUBIC_LCD_I3MEGA // #define ANYCUBIC_LCD_CHIRON


- // #define ANYCUBIC_LCD_DEBUG + #define ANYCUBIC_LCD_DEBUG // #define ANYCUBIC_LCD_GCODE_EXT // Add ".gcode" to menu entries for DGUS clone compatibility


uwetaz commented 4 months ago

I found the right define for more verbosity on serial port: ANYCUBIC_TFT_DEBUG But unfortunately in both cases (Continue button occures or not) the output is the same: _TFT Serial Debug: FilamentRunout triggered... TFT Serial Debug: Blocking filament prompt... J23 \//action:prompt_end \//action:prompt_begin FilamentRunout T0 \//action:prompt_show \//action:paused filament_runout 0 TFT Serial Debug: OnUserConfirmRequired triggered... Please wait... \//action:paused TFT Serial Debug: OnUserConfirmRequired triggered... Heating... TFT Serial Debug: OnUserConfirmRequired triggered... Ejecting... TFT Serial Debug: OnUserConfirmRequired triggered... Insert and Click echo:Insert filament and send M108 \//action:prompt_end \//action:prompt_begin Nozzle Parked \//action:prompt_button Continue \//action:promptshow TFT Serial Debug: OnUserConfirmRequired triggered... Nozzle Parked TFT Serial Debug: UserConfirm SD print paused done... J18 echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user

I assume that line with _action:promptbutton Continue means that normally the button should appear. I will dig into the functions and try to insert some prints...but the build of the fw takes always 5min...because parallel build in platform IO seems not to work.

uwetaz commented 3 months ago

After long nights I could understand and fix it. 1) cause The root cause is the display with its UART interface behaviour. During printing the display requests in 1.1s intervalls for 9 values (set and actual temperatures, coordinates and so on via ASCII-commands A0 to A7 and A20). The mainboard answers to the telegrams with the requested values. After that the display actualize them. Lets call them cyclic telegrams If the filament sensor trips or a filament change is occured via G-Code a acyclic telegram or two has to be sended to the dislay (e.g. at filament sensor trip J23 to show "Lack of filament or filament monitor abnormal." with ok button which was missed often and J18 to show the Continue button which was also missed often). I printed something without filament and not triggered filamentsensor (small filament part in the sensor) but could sporadic trip it by removing the filament part. First I soldered wires to RX and TX of the display to have wires outside the housing during printing and tried to get the telegram history with a cheap Rigol oscilloscop and UART decoding but it was not possible to trigger to the acyclic telegrams. After that I tried to connect RX and TX to two cheap TTL UART to USB Converters (CH340G based) and visualize the telegrams via Tera Term with activated time stamps. The time stamps are not really precise but for this usage it was usefull. I saw always the acyclic telegrams from the mainboard but not all happened in a action on display (mentioned mask or Continue button missed). I saw in error case that the time distance after the last cyclic telegram was smaller than in the working case. I verified that with the original Anycubic FW. Here always a longer time distance between the last cyclic and the acyclic telegram was seen (I saw a minimal value of 654ms). The pure number of characters with a display uart overflow seems not to be the root cause. It seems really to be the time distance. 2) fw change In the fw now I use a timestamp at the last cyclic telegram (A20V) to the display and delay the acyclic telegrams until a fixed time distance is over (WAIT_MS_UNTIL_ACYCLIC_SEND). The value of 500ms worked at the first try. 3) verify the changes I tripped 10 times the filament sensor during printing and now always the mask and Continue button occured. Without the change I got never 10 times the wished behaviour in series. I also tested filament changes (which I originally wanted to use for hue forge printing). I provided a gcode with 10 M600 codes and now it worked perfect. The button appeared always correct. I provide here a patch file (two files has to be changed). I'm not really a profi in coding. Please do not hesitate to tell what could be done better. 4) additional I also found in Marlin\src\lcd\extui\knutwurst\anycubic_touchscreen.cpp a problem with nested parentheses inside KNUTWURST_MEGA_P_LASER preprocessor part. After fixing this the compile time decreased dramatically. If ANYCUBIC_TFT_DEBUG is active. The files from sd card are not displayed correct. One file name is showed n times depending on number files on sd card. After deactivating the define it works correct. I did not digging down to this topic.

Thanks again for the great fw (I use the great BL touch functionality).


knutwurst commented 3 months ago

Wow! @uwetaz thats a great finding! Thank you so much!

I think that because I always used the original sources from Anycubic and simply assumed that it worked that way, I never thought of observing the time offset. Great work!

I took a quick look at your patch and would implement it as it is, but it would be more elegant and understandable if you made a pull request. That way you will also appear in the contributors :)

If you don't want that, I can of course just adopt your change as it is. I leave that up to you ;)

uwetaz commented 3 months ago

@knutwurst I'm on a journey until sunday. I will make the pull request probably on sunday evening. There are sources from Anycubic? I also know the hex files.

EnableDevice commented 3 months ago

@uwetaz, great research work! Above all praise! This approach to the task definitely commands respect. I'll try to check it on my printer a little later.

uwetaz commented 3 months ago

Sorry I'm not finished today with the pull request. I'm not so firm with github and it is the first time to publish something in not own repo and I mixed some formal changes in the patch which I provided. I want to split in commits beside the real fix for the display for better transparency. I finish in the next days.

uwetaz commented 3 months ago

I could now create the pull request. I hope I understood the process for PRs in github right.

knutwurst commented 3 months ago

It works like a charm but I had to move the #define WAIT_MS_UNTIL_ACYCLIC_SEND 500 out of the non-dgus define block. Thank you very much! I'll trigger a new release build within the next days ;)

knutwurst commented 3 months ago

Added in the new Version 1.5.4 ;)