Default to zero HPAI when using a tunnel in NAT mode.
From the KNX Specifications v2.1
03_08_02 Core v01.05.01 AS.pdf Network Address Translation (NAT)
If KNXnet/IP communication has to traverse across network routers using Network Address Translation (NAT) the KNXnet/IP Client shall set the value of the IP address and/or the port number in the HPAI to zero to indicate NAT traversal to the receiving KNXnet/IP Server.
For the IP address and port number in the datagrams sent from the KNXnet/IP Server to the KNXnet/IP Client the KNXnet/IP Server shall replace the zero value for the IP address and/or the port number in the HPAI by the corresponding IP address and/or port number in the IP package received and use this value as the target IP address or port number for the response to the KNXnet/IP Client.
Default to zero HPAI when using a tunnel in NAT mode.
From the KNX Specifications v2.1 03_08_02 Core v01.05.01 AS.pdf