knxm / mathlibre

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Language environment for emacs #7

Open knxm opened 11 years ago

knxm commented 11 years ago

Which is the best way of setting the language environment of emacs. I want to choose language environments in Makefile with "lb config".

knxm commented 11 years ago

We made a config/hooks/emacs.chroot for this issue.

knxm commented 11 years ago

Finally, we determined to configure in lang/ja script, because when we build chroot, always LANG=C, we can not use case statement.

seijimtmt commented 11 years ago

Can we reopen this issue?

I've noticed that some old settings in the egg age still remain. The following lines can be removed because we are using mozc:

(setq its-hira-comma ",")
(setq its-hira-period ".")
(eval-after-load "its"
  '(define-its-state-machine-append its-hira-map
     (its-defrule "dhi" "でぃ")
     (its-defrule "dhu" "でゅ")
     (its-defrule "thi" "てぃ")
     (its-defrule "thu" "てゅ")
     (its-defrule "whi" "うぃ")
     (its-defrule "whe" "うぇ")
     (its-defrule "who" "うぉ")))
(toggle-input-method nil)
(setq its-enable-fullwidth-alphabet nil)

Futher, we don't need

(set-language-environment 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)

which are automatically set from the locale. ( )

So, the settings we do need is only mozc related things (except for the comma and the period conversion rules). I'd like to propose to prepare a "language-independent" initialization file like:

;; /etc/emacs/site-start.d/90lang.el
;;    mathlibre language settings (input methods etc.)
(let ((lang (getenv "LANG")))
  (cond ((or (equal lang "ja_JP.UTF-8")
         (equal lang "ja_JP.EUC-JP"))
     (when (file-readable-p "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacs-mozc/mozc.el")
       (require 'mozc)
       (setq default-input-method "japanese-mozc")))
    (t nil)))

With this init file, it's now easy to add default input methods for other languages. We can also include other language-specific settings here (yatex etc.).

knxm commented 11 years ago

Thank you very much, I added the new file: config/include.chroot/etc/emacs/site-start.d/90lang.el .