Closed theonedemon closed 4 years ago
errors after add lua_code_cache off
lua_code_cache off
failed to run log_by_lua*: log_by_lua(nginx.conf:70):2: attempt to index global 'metric_requests' (a nil value)
example config:
http { lua_code_cache off; # this settig broken plugin # prometheus lua_shared_dict prometheus_metrics 10M; lua_package_path "/nginx-lua-prometheus/?.lua;;"; init_worker_by_lua_block { prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics") metric_requests = prometheus:counter("nginx_http_requests_total", "Number of HTTP requests", {"host", "status"}) metric_latency = prometheus:histogram("nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", "HTTP request latency", {"host"}) metric_connections = prometheus:gauge("nginx_http_connections", "Number of HTTP connections", {"state"}) } log_by_lua_block { metric_requests:inc(1, {ngx.var.server_name, ngx.var.status}) metric_latency:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.request_time), {ngx.var.server_name}) } }
Currently this module requires code cache to be enabled. I believe this is documented in README.
errors after add
lua_code_cache off
example config: