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Скласти додаткові інформаційні блоки #7

Closed ko-tan1 closed 4 years ago

ko-tan1 commented 4 years ago

Можна зробити резюме менш формальним, додавши додаткові блоки, які містять корисну інформацію, але подають її в "розважальній" формі. Наприклад, що подобається і не подобається, сильні і слабкі сторони, перелік навиків чи хобі, інфографіка або ж інтерактивні модулі, тощо. Варто написати контент такого блоку раніше, ніж починати верстку, бо його розміри впливатимуть на розміщення елементів на сторінці.

ko-tan1 commented 4 years ago

15 fun facts about the Queen

  1. Queen Elizabeth II was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926

To parents the Duke and Duchess of York, who later became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother).

  1. She was crowned Queen on 2 June 1953

Watched by a TV audience of 20 million people.

Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Queen Elizabeth II primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

queen elizabeths ii

  1. She is the longest reigning monarch ever in Britain

Beating even Queen Victoria (her great-great-grandma!).

  1. As Queen, she has been served by 14 UK Prime Ministers

Including Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and more recently, Boris Johnson.

Facts about the Queen: Elizabeth II pictured with Winston Churchill

  1. Her favourite dogs are corgis

She even invented a new breed of dog when her corgi mated with a dachshund belonging to her sister, Princess Margaret, creating the “dorgi”.

  1. She’s the only person in the UK allowed to drive without a licence

And she still drives to this day!

  1. The Queen has two birthdays

Her actual birthday – 21 April – and her official birthday, which is held on a Saturday in June – when the weather’s better!

young queen elizabeths ii

  1. The Queen’s birthplace is now a fancy Cantonese restaurant

Called Hakkasan, at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair – we hope she likes a takeaway!

  1. The Queen first sent an email in 1976

… and published her first Instagram post in 2019!

queen elizabeth ii coronation

  1. She has many hobbies

Including horse riding, pigeon racing, and football – she’s an Arsenal supporter!

  1. Queen Elizabeth became a homeowner at just six years old

When the people of Wales gifted her a house in the grounds of Windsor’s Royal Lodge. Named Y Bwthyn Bach, it means “little cottage”.

queen-elizabeths ii and prince george

  1. The Queen has sent around 50,000 Christmas cards

– and counting!

  1. She owns an elephant, two giant turtles, a jaguar and a pair of sloths

Presents from other countries, all of which live in London Zoo.

queen elizabeth ii and corgis

  1. Princess Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast in October 1940, during the Second World War.

  2. Even the monarch can go undercover sometimes

On a recent low-key trip to Scotland, she met some American tourists while walking. When the tourists asked if she lived locally, she mentioned that she had a house nearby, and when asked if she’d ever met the Queen she simply pointed at her security and said, “No, but he has!”