ko1o / PYSearch

🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
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PYSearchSuggestionViewController问题=。= #207

Closed Vinceless closed 5 years ago

Vinceless commented 5 years ago


ko1o commented 5 years ago

@Sugarless 可以通过以下代理自定义

protocol PYSearchViewControllerDataSource <NSObject>


 Return a `UITableViewCell` object.

 @param searchSuggestionView    view which display search suggestions
 @param indexPath               indexPath of row
 @return a `UITableViewCell` object
- (UITableViewCell *)searchSuggestionView:(UITableView *)searchSuggestionView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

 Return number of rows in section.

 @param searchSuggestionView    view which display search suggestions
 @param section                 index of section
 @return number of rows in section
- (NSInteger)searchSuggestionView:(UITableView *)searchSuggestionView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section;

 Return number of sections in search suggestion view.

 @param searchSuggestionView    view which display search suggestions
 @return number of sections
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInSearchSuggestionView:(UITableView *)searchSuggestionView;

 Return height for row.

 @param searchSuggestionView    view which display search suggestions
 @param indexPath               indexPath of row
 @return height of row
- (CGFloat)searchSuggestionView:(UITableView *)searchSuggestionView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

Vinceless commented 5 years ago

😂不是这个问题,因为我用的是massonry,所以要修改searchSuggestionView的属性,一直修改不成功,所以才去PYSearchSuggestionViewController,我现在解决了,我在PYSearchViewController.m里的setup里面加了句_searchSuggestionView = (UITableView *)self.searchSuggestionVC.tableView; 就可以了,因为一开始初始化,searchSuggestionView是nil

Vinceless commented 5 years ago
