ko2ic / image_downloader

Flutter plugin that downloads images and movies on the Internet and saves to Photo Library on iOS or specified directory on Android.
MIT License
92 stars 116 forks source link

Variant that takes bytes rather than a URL #3

Open Hixie opened 5 years ago

Hixie commented 5 years ago

It would be great if there was a way to save a file that you already have available. For example, if you download the bytes for an image that you display, and the user says "save to disk", being able to pass the bytes to this plugin so that the image appears in their photo gallery.

ko2ic commented 5 years ago

I think it is possible to use bytes parameter and save. However, it seems to be a little different from the purpose of this plugin. The purpose is downloading the image as it is named.

If the plugin uses the bytes parameter to save the image, it is recommended that someone create a plugin with a different name. For example, image_saving.